Friday, April 5, 2013

Photo Friday: C-O-L-O-R Makes the Difference Edition

Good morning!

Well, it's Friday, and by now I'm certain that you're so tired of hearing about Texas that you'd rather I go there for good than keep telling about how I was there last week! I thought we would have a traditional return to form in the shape of Photo Friday. And people! This woman is so gorgeous-- how gorgeous is she? SHE'S SO ELEGANT-- how elegant is she? She's so well well, you get the idea. Take a look at my Kodachrome-tastic flickr find of the week!

This set has SO many beautiful photos of a mother and her children that I just couldn't stop looking at them. This one is my favorite, but they're all beautiful. Do you see what a difference seeing things in color back then makes on viewing historic photos? It makes me sick to death that there are another dozen photos of the mom is similarly stylish outfits, but sadly in black and white! Take a look at this mustard suit:

You could wear that TO-MORROW and still look like a million dollars. Items:  the similarly colored hat, the black shoes, purse, and gloves...the pearls and brooch. Oh, and those triple layers of pocket flaps! I can't get over how much I love this. And the little girl's no slouch either in the dress department (as I'm sure Most Stylish Mom 1952 has dressed her), in a fizzy beret and pink sundress. I wonder what much loved plush toy she's clutch? Can't quite make it out.

This family actually has an added layer of international intrigue, as most of these photos list Germany and France as their locations. To be so slim and so well dressed and ABROAD. Well, that is just the living end to me. Here's another dandy of an outfit:

Vintage fashion mavens, take note:  navy blue, perfectly draped dress, spectator peep toe pumps, white gloves, white hand bag, white earrings, white hat with AWESOME FASCINATOR like detail, brooch clip at the bosom. And just the right sway of a breeze in front of a tank of a vintage car. I cry salt tears of envy.

Remember a few posts ago how we were talking about casual wear and how to pair together casual pieces for a sporting vintage look? THIS. HITS. THE NAIL. ON THE HEAD:

The neckerchief, the earrings, the gold bracelet and watch, the matched blue socks (!!) to her blue sweater, the black skirt, and that lovely hotel? Cafe? in the background are all killing me. Do you ever notice how in vintage photographs, sometimes a particularly put-together photographer will take the time and effort to include interesting items in the composition of their photograph? I was thinking about how a Kodak manual I posted  a dog's age ago on movie making discussed the importance of framing and composing shots. Do you see how there's a definite thought put into composition in this one? I love the red in the flower box matching the red in her neckerchief, and how perfectly lined up the foreground is with the background. VERY DIFFERENT than the predominantly "selfie" based Facebook photography of our day...this one is suitable for framing!

This one reminds me of Lauren Bacall. And the mother has 100% convinced me to go our and buy black suede pumps. Aren't they cool looking? I also love how they're in some Bavarian town square. How pretty does the little girl look in her red-belted pinafore?

Two words: THOSE. PANTS. If she can make this work (and I think she does), she can do anything! An advanced fashion lesson on how to make truly "loud" articles of clothing look eye-catching rather than eye-bruising. Also, the French market stall selling flowers! Truly picturesque.

I know this last one isn't in color, but it's got to be one of the coolest photos I've seen while going through other-people's-family-photos:

This could be on a calendar, right?! The lady look so freakin' cool in trousers and a striped knit top and that perfect hair! Atop a motorcycle, no less! I'm want to channel some of this swagger into future photos taken of me, it's just the living end.

So! You can see a lot more old photos from this set here, and they're all REALLY neat, so why wouldn't you go check it out? The user also has her own photography site, which you can see here. While her work is obviously more modern, she's inherited (her father's? whoever was taking the picture's) the eye for framing up really beautiful shots.

So! Which photo or ensemble do you like best? Have you run across any amazing photo finds in your antique store/ estate sale/ thrift store runs lately? Do tell, do tell!

That's all for this week, folks! I'll see you back here next week for more vintage goodies. Til then!


  1. That picture in front of the car - want the whole outfit, no, I want to BE her. What a doll!

    1. Right?! She doesn't look anything less than perfect in like 30 years worth of photos on that flickr account. AMAZING. Inspiration.

  2. I´ll take the yellow suit, please. Oh, and that blue dress. Yes, that´s all, thanks! Such amazing outfits.
    Many of the pictures (incl. the yellow suit one) were taken in the area where I live, so the whole collection is extra interesting for me. Thanks a lot for sharing this find!

    (Btw, the baravarian town square is in Kronberg near Frankfurt. Not bavarian at all but beautiful nonetheless :) Sorry for the smartassing.)

    1. No, thank you for correcting me, that's so cool you know exactly where it was taken! What a beautiful part of the world. PS I too would die for the yellow suit and the blue dress... UGH! So gorgeous!

  3. This woman looks like you! Great photos! Great outfits!

    1. Haha, thanks! That is a great compliment, because she looks stellar! I want the yellow suit most of all. THE POCKETS.

  4. that photo with the blue dress in front of the car is incredible! the colors! the way her dress is blowing! it needs to be blown up and framed! so gorgeous!

    1. I know! I wish I had ONE photo of me that glamorous! In high school, I went over to a classmate's house to work on some project and her parents had these huge blow ups from photographs they'd taken on their honeymoon, hiking in Switzerland, hanging on the kitchen wall. SO. SEVENTIES. It looked like something out of a movie! I should find some of my grandparents and do something similar.

  5. That lady can rock some plaid pants and that is hard to do! Great pics!

    1. I was in awe of those plaid pants. THIS IS HOW IT'S DONE!

  6. Fantastic. Women were SO much more put together than we are nowadays!!! It has inspired me to put in more effort, that's for sure. :)

    1. Oh, I know. It inspires me, too! To look like that blue dress picture!

  7. WOW--this has to be one of the most stylish/well-put-together real-life ladies ever! LOVE that so many of the snaps are in color, too. Feel like I need to express my excitement in ALL CAPS.

    1. I AGREE ALL CAPS EXCITEMENT! :) The color just bowls me over every time I look at it.
