Monday, April 8, 2013

DIY Annie Hall Wall

Good morning!

Just a quick post on this gorgeous Monday morn about the newest developments in my kitchen. I spent all weekend watching The Rachel Zoe Project (don't judge), trying to catch up on almost-due library items (we watched The Imposter, Buffalo Bill and the Indians, and The Queen of Versailles all in one weekend. And I finished Wendy Lawless's memoir Chanel Bonfire. Record breaking. Bring on the new holds!), walking the mall with Matthew (we got our pictures took! oh my God, they took a video of it, and I didn't even know!), and cooking out at my folks' house. Not bad, not bad!I even managed to get a bag of stuff off to Goodwill so I can kind of sort of see everyday clothes behind the sequin gowns that dominate my wardrobe (it's a good problem to have, but still a problem....maybe I should make the sequin clothes everyday wardrobe? I don't know). And somewhere in between, I managed to put this homage to one of my favorite movies of all time ever up in the kitchen. Let's take a look!

The other day, I decided that as much as I loved the Pam Grier posters you've seen time and time again against the far wall in my kitchen, it was time for a change. I still love posters, but I wanted to have less of them cluttering up the free wall space, and since the 3 Women and Scenes from a Marriage are non-negotiably staying, poor Pam didn't make the cut. I'm thinking about reassigning her to my office space, but I can't decide. In the meantime, I thought lobby cards might be a neat way to break up the space but still use movie-related items.

Seeing this split screen clip from the movie on someone's tumblr made me think of Annie Hall specifically to do. I kind of sort of hate the actual theatrical poster because it doesn't much capture the spirit of the movie to me. Since both the poster and the set of lobby cards were prohibitively expensive int he originals, I took alternative action.

The simplest DIY you are every going to find on the internet:

1) Search "Annie Hall Lobby Cards" on Google image.
2) Limit search results under search tools to "Large".
3) Ruthlessly click and save the results to your computer.
4) Print out said results in color.
5) Run by the Dollar Tree and grab 9 of their 8.5'' x 11'' document frames.
6) Hang with nail (in my case, use masking tape to ensure perfect grid).

The one I used was from this auction site... and I've seen past auctions go for about $100 for the set. In this case, not counting the cost of printing the things (negligible), the whole project cost about $9. There are only 8 cards in the original set, but since I wanted 9, I grudgingly used the all-white international lobby card in the center, which I think makes for a neat "offset" to the other cards being primarily black and in color.

 I'm thinking about using this as a rotating space to do different lobby card sets-- the internet has a bajillion to choose from! Some of the ones that appeal most to me:


Speaking of, here are not one but TWO other posters in the kitchen, both of which Matthew got for me. He's a good egg!

How I love to cook stir fry and stare deeply into Lindsey Buckingham's eyes.

Anyway, I'm off to finish some schoolwork (only three more class meetings left til I'm a master!) and work-work. How was your weekend? Do you have any framed movie memorabilia around the house? What movie lobby cards would you have in YOUR kitchen when given the chance?

See you tomorrow! Til then.


  1. That is such a cool space and rotating them is even cooler! I would love to have something like that in my kitchen but it's too small.

    I love using an electric stove. I grew up with gas and thought it could do no wrong. Man, was I wrong. I've notice food cooks more evenly on the electric stove and you have a much easier time controlling cooking temp.

    1. Thanks! I'm thinking I really, really want to do "The Thing" with Kurt Russell as my next one. I love the way the grid makes it feel like there's less stuff on the wall, even though there's technically more!

      I'm totally into my electric stove. Every once and awhile I see a vintage gas one that catches my fancy, but the one I have really is reliable and gets used ALLLL the time.

  2. The cheapskate inside loves this DIY. I've done a similar craft where I printed off paper dolls Online and framed them. They looked pretty awesome. Also, why would you buy frames anywhere but the dollar tree. A black frame seems like something so stupid to spend more than a couple bucks on. Thanks for the inspiration

    1. Oooh, paper dolls would be a neat one to do, too! Have you seen those vintage crafts where you make a dress out of ribbon and add it to a formerly undressed doll? It looks so weird and 3D! I am hopelessly devoted to the frame section of Dollar Tree. And the party throwing and the candle section. That place has everything!

  3. i love how they look in that grid! i actually don't have any movie posters up in my house anymore, but i have lots of silk screen music posters.
    also, i can't believe they video you taking hte pictures and then put it online! haha! it is pretty cute though.

    1. Thanks! I was worried because I only had eight and two rows of four looked weird...then I thought, eureka! We will add a ninth! And the problem was solved. You have a lot of cool silk screen music posters, I've seen from lurking your "inside the house" posts! I want to be better about getting ones when I go to things I want to remember, they make a gorgeous souvenir.

      I WAS SO SURPRISED ABOUT THE VIDEO. Also, how about my goonish little cackle on said video? That's how you can tell I didn't know they were taping! :)

  4. Love the Annie Hall posters!


    1. Thanks, Emma! One of my favorite movies. I could watch most pre-2000's Woody Allen movies right into the ground, he's so good.

  5. I've been lurking and loving your blog for a while now but had to say how much I like this idea. I love Annie Hall but I really want to hang some McCabe and Mrs Miller pics, or just one really good one, but the one I really want is very expensive and all the best ones are in America and have high postage costs, so I might just try this idea as soon as I buy some ink for my printer. Great blog! xx

    1. Thanks for reading and commenting, I'm glad you did! McCabe and Mrs. Miller, what an ace choice. I was just on an Altman kick this weekend, he's one of my top five directors of all time. I managed to grab a poster of 3 Women (there's kind of a shot of it in the post from today, Tuesday) on ebay for $18 last year, I was so psyched! Sissy Spacek came to the library to sign her memoir last year and I gibbered to her about how I eat breakfast right under her pointing a gun out of the picture frame! What a goofball she must have thought I was.

      I couldn't believe how many lobby cards are available in high resolution, full-size up on the web! Check out this one for your McCabe wall. Let me know how it turns out if you end up doing it!

  6. Great idea especially the rotating part!

    1. Thanks, Anthea! It's like a gallery space, I love it!

  7. Well, I for one, wish you would show a full length picture of the cool dress you are wearing. Which reminds me...I have an original 1970's Norma Kamali in my closet. I used to work as an inept receptionist and I saved all of my pennies for life's essentials...Nike Cortez, skinny Mylar disco belts, platform shoes, etc, etc. The sole survivor is Norma. I'm thinking of packing her up and sending her to Nashville, right?

    1. 1) I have obliged your full length photo request (haha) on today's blog! I love that dress. The color and the pattern is so crazy! 2) ORIGINAL. 1970'S. NORMA. KAMALI. I will say something as soon as I can scoop my jaw off the floor. I bet it's killer! I KNOW IT'S KILLER. If you gifted it to me, I would wear it with all due pride... an original Kamali AND an authentic piece from Mrs. Leapheart's wardrobe! Two honors, one dress! :)

    2. OK, done and done. A happy marriage gift. Be looking for her. She'll be glad to get out of the closet. I just wish I'd kept all of those Grateful Dead concert t-shirts I had. Oh, happy dancing days of yore!

    3. 1) SO EXCITING, THANK YOU!! I will keep an eagle eye out! You're so nice!!! 2) Grateful Dead concerts...oh man. I bet there are some stories there. More leaves from Mrs. Leapheart's Book of Wild Days! :)
