Item A: I freakin won this Pan Am bag from the Vanity Fair giveaway? I'd completely forgotten about entering the online drawing, up to and including the afternoon a huge cardboard box was sitting on my back patio. Fuming under the impression that Bab had probably ordered something video game related, rare (expensive) or collectible (expensive) or from Japan (expensive) or all three (VERY EXPENSIVE), I looked at the shipping address and STILL didn't remember I'd entered the giveaway. Inside the box? One large, promotional Pan Am reproduction flight bag, MSRP $89!! How do I know that? I looked at the contest rules. Where I was also apprised of the fact that ONLY TWENTY FIVE WERE GIVEN AWAY. Now, granted, other magazines, tv stations, and newspapers probably had their own contests and gave away hundreds more, but of the VF entrants, only twenty four other people won! Bab snapped this raccoon eyed photo of my (obviously candid, totally not staged) reaction.
Item B: I met Raja from Rupaul's Drag Race at a Vanderbilt University Lamda Association drag show? For free? And almost actually died from being so star struck? My hair deflated at some point in the evening but it might have been out of sheer joy. Also, Raja's performance, using Grace Potter and the Nocturnals' "Oooh La La" DID have me humming it for days. To the girls who made me realize walking in heels is an art to be embraced even IF you're already a six footer in your stocking'd feet... I salute you. My ankles hate you, but my shoe sense has improved immeasurably. Item C: Songs taken on this month in karaoke, in addition to the regular "Total Eclipse"/"Oh What a Night"/"Don't You Forget About Me" standing repertoire:
- "Cryin'" Aerosmith (decided mid song that Steven Tyler doesn't pathologically worry about sounding like Steven Tyler while singing, he just does...and nails it. I did likewise. )
- "Bad" Michael Jackson (who knew?! Who knew I could sing this?! Plus any/all Michael Jackson selections bring a bar to a palpable group sentiment of "Hey! We like Michael Jackson!" that does 60% of the work for you)
- "I Found Someone" Cher (with all the lips-licking passion I could muster for a weekday, in a gay bar, with only five other people present... totally fun)
- "You Dropped a Bomb on Me" The Gap Band (why does the end of this song ["I,I,I...I won't forget it!"] go on for like forty minutes? Why Do I love it so?)
- "Dance the Night Away" Van Halen (my new theme song [don't tell anyone. Or tell everyone]).
Photographic evidence: One flattering, with friends... two unflattering, and solo, but definitely putting across my complete willingness to throw myself into the business of singing. Also, who shoots from below?! I guess just about anyone would have to use a step ladder to shoot me from above , but if that's what it takes to get a good shot of me doing what I like to do best, I might be willing to provide one! Note our best friend Audrey at corner right, and the lovely engaged Frankie and Eddie standing center. Wonderful people.
2) Things I made Item A: Practically carb free pizza sounds like a myth, but I assure you, ladies and gents, it is REAL:
It was ridiculously easy to make, and.... great! The cauliflower crust, when combined with the cheese, sauce, and Canadian Bacon/Turkey Pepperoni/sliced olives toppings, was totally tasty. Makes no sense. To be reunited with pizza-like dishes, without the guilt of carbfest 2011... Try it! Item B: Scarlett O'Hara cocktails... off the charts, son! My new take on "how to make whiskey not taste like whiskey even when you're out of diet Coke". This guy is basically 2 parts whiskey (preferably Southern Comfort, but any really) to 3 parts lemon juice, splash of grenadine for color and kick, and fill with diet Tonic water. The cherries garnish and cute glasses just made me happy for the presentation portion of the drink (very important!) There are more complicated, probably better tasting cocktail recipes out there sharing the same name, but this one, swiped from an old bartending flyer I've since misplaced somewhere on flickr, did the trick. Plus, could I love the name more?
Well, I was going to continue on into things I bought and things I wore, but I think I'll save it for a part two post. In the near future, I promise! :) Hope everyone had a lovely Thanksgiving. See ya next time!