Friday, September 6, 2013

Photo Friday: A Sharp Dressed Couple Edition

Good morning!

It's Friday, and you know what that means around these parts-- time to dig into the internet's wealth of sources to bring you the very best in other-people's-family photos. And I'll tell you, I'm pea-green with envy over some of this week's family snaps. As soon as we get that replicator up and running, I'mma need some of these dresses, and with the quickness.

This Flickr stream features photos of the user's parents in a series of sartorially splendid snaps. All the family photos are amazing-- from the dad's time in the army circa WWII, to the flapper-ific photos of one of the couple's aunts-- but what struck me in these photos were what SHARP. DRESSERS. both the parents were! It's hard to stand out in a time where everyone dressed more formally than they do now, but let me tell you, these two look emphatically stylish in every photo I could find of them!

Let's take a look so you can see what I'm talking about here:

Engagement party? DRESSED. TO THE. NINES. The mister is wearing a tuxedo, and future Mrs. a black lace ballgown with such an interesting detail at the top. What floors me most about the woman's ensemble is the choker-with-flower situation going on at her neck. She really looks like a painting right out of the Whitney! Some 1860's society gal with class and panache built into her DNA. Seeing this dress reminds me of the ballgown I got at the flea market last year-- so THAT'S the kind of occasion to which you would wear a cotillion-level couture piece. Duly noted. Now someone fix me up with a silk flower and a grosgrain ribbon and I am going to town on this idea.

This photo is just labelled "Mumsy lounging". But in what fashion! That dress looks like something you would have to wrest from the Revlon Red nailed talons of an onscreen Gene Tierney type. As much as I go in for patterns, there's something super luxurious and expensive looking about a full length, well cut, white ball gown. And see the little clip at her bosom! So elegant.

One of the things that was so neat about about this photostream was the extensiveness of the photos historical scope. There's more than one photo of the family "in the old country" (I'm assuming somewhere in Armenia or nearby), men bearded and women tightly corseted in a traveling photographer's tent. How cool is it to have so many photos of your family's story, from the 1870's to the present? Liking what I like, I was drawn to these two photos above because of how clear and distinct the black and white photography is, and how wham-bam the forties' fashion strikes me. Aaah! The print on that unidentified woman's dress! Mumsy's shoes! And her whole ensemble to the right! The dress, the statement necklace, the hair-- there is everything to like here.

A newlywed set of snaps of the mother in these photos, looking a bit like Millie Perkins. Look at the rose print on her dress! And imagine how hard it was to strike a "casual pose" when film was film instead of digital. No "hey, erase that, I look like the living dead" after the photo was taken, as you wouldn't know until it developed! I bet she was pleased with both of these shots, though, they look so professional.

Tennis, anyone? LET ME HAVE THAT PLAY SUIT (and the figure to pull it off!).

As casual as it is, this might be my favorite picture from the bunch-- look at the dress! Look at the dress. And her perfect lipstick. And the fact that the caption says she's having breakfast in Bermuda ( a descriptor I'd like to use to explain my life JUST. ONCE?). Lovely, lovely, lovely.

Anyway! Which of these looks is your favorite? Seen any splendid wardrobe shots from days gone by lately? Let's talk!

That's all for today-- I gotta get to the day's business! See you back here with bells on Monday. Have a great weekend! Til then.


  1. I wanna hang out in Bermuda with 'Mumsy'! I bet she'd be a hoot! But only if I can get a matching wardrobe! I love the necklace she's wearing in that one photo! And the rose choker...I just have no words.
    I've run across a hell of a photo stream that I'm gonna post at some point this weekend. There's so many great ones that I can't decide which to post! And the best is that the mom, who is in all the photos and her son, who posted them have little convos under them about the pics. Some pretty detailed.

    1. It's not the one from this post, is it? That woman is amazing! I wish all photostreams had adjoining conversations about what the subjects were wearing and why! The mother even responded to all our comments on that post, it was nuts! The son-mother conversation prompted me to think they might be one and the same, but let me know if there's another one out there I need to know about!!

    2. Oh my freakin' God it IS her! Ha! How amazing is she? I love all the photos of the apartment and all her great party table setups!

  2. that white dress! she looks so glamourous, even just lounging on the couch. this really is a great set of photos! i'm dying over the play suit! how do you wear something like that and not look a total fool? she is pulling it off so well! same with that flower choker at the top! on her it looks so stylish!

    1. I know! She has that certain "je ne sais quoi" to pull off all these crazy, gorgeous outfits! ((studies photos to learn from her wisdom))

  3. I love reading your blog, and always when you share different photo sets such as these. I too, have such thoughts when I see snap shots of people that I don't even know, and just wonder about the whole scene, that I would be looking at. I agree the white dress, and just the pose so simply done elegantly so. They were such the couple, and the room service picture is just so sweet. I wonder how they are now, and hopefully lived a good life.
    Thank you really on how you write your blogs, I am with you word for word, and I do enjoy them. Keep up the good work, and just being you, you are a real treasure..

    1. Thank you so much for your kind words and for reading! It's comments like these that make all the work that goes into posting a blog worthwhile. :) You made my day!

  4. I love looking through old photos too. All of these looks are very beautiful!
    I'd definitely love to wear the tennis suit; it's even my favorite color!
