Monday, September 9, 2013

How Good is Your Taste? (Clark's Teaberry gum, 1947-1948)

Good morning!

Oh, how did Monday already raise its ugly head! I had a very busy weekend, kids-- our wedding rings came in the mail on Saturday (we only tried them on about twenty times), my bridal shower was Sunday (so many laughs over mimosas and vegan chocolate cake), and here I am on Monday with a bleary little head and mounting anticipation towards the big day-- we're in the home stretch!! Yeeeeeeeah!

While I was whiling away the morning on Google Books, trying to think of non wedding related stuff to throw at you this AM, I came across a series of ads for Clark's Teaberry gum. It's no Wrigley's, but the ad campaigns for the years 1947 and 1948 challenge the Life readers to exercise good judgement and taste in eliminating the chaff from the wheat! Let's take a look at how fine our own taste is, in the following cases:

1) Figural Sculpture Edition:

Now, I spent some time examining the above photo to note the difference between figure A and figure B. In spite of the opposing savanna wildlife presented in each, there's not a while lot of difference to the way these little sculptures are presented. While the one on the left is slightly more distinguished looking, it's in that T.J. Maxx housewares "eccentric" way-- you know what I mean? The way Brentwood or Hendersonville housewives decorate their foyers and orthodontists their waiting rooms? I was more into the whimsical look of the giraffes-- they're sweet!

Spoiler alert, I was not on target with this one. Nooooot at all (at least according to 1947 people!!)

Correct Response:
Oh my God, it's like they can see me. It IS seventy-five years from the year 1940, almost! And I DO want the "awfully quaint lamp base" portrayed in the second panel! The well-known sculptor's work looks like a lot of bunk to me! Well, maybe I'll do better at this next one:

2) Coed Hairstyles Edition:
Discussion: Ok, ok.....smartest and most appropriate. Which of these hairstyles is the smartest AND most appropriate...well, "A" looks too bizarre to be wearable in a host of different situations, even though I like it-- now, in evening wear, and with a Lana Turner level of star power, it would make a hit, but just perched upon my sleepy little head first thing in the morning at work..not so much. "B" is probably my favorite, because it takes a simple ponytail to the next level with that large bow and the soignée look of the pinned queue of hair. "C" is super glamorous, but I don't know if I want to run around with a giant hydrangea on the side of my head all day, especially when paired with just a sweater...I don't know, I say "B".

Correct Response:
Did I fall for...DON'T PATRONIZE ME, CLARK'S TEABERRY GUM. Now, "A" really was too nutty, but you're telling me "C" is more appropriate than "B"? I respectfully voice my dissent, CTG. Let's see if we can do any better in the photography department on the next question.

3) Vacation Snaps Edition:

Now we're talking! 1940's bathing suits, oversized rubber ball (do you notice how often beach balls crop up in vintage photographs? It's weird  because while I can see bringing goggles, sunscreen, towels, any number of beach essentials, I wouldn't think to bring a ball!)...I elect "C" as the best. Mainly because "A" features that guy-in-the-background's posterior more than the subjects of the photo, and "D" looks hackneyed, and "B" makes that one dude look like a full-on woman (this may be what he's going for, but if it's not, it's REALLY not working for him).

Correct Response:
 Well, of course I did! Look how well I'm doing with this taste racket!! I love "as worn-out and tired as a Joe Miller joke" in the description.

Ok, 1 for 3, let's see how I do on #4:

4) Leave the Dog out of This! Edition
 Discussion: the the first panel? Is that a wookie? A wookie dog? A dog wookie? Or what are those little dudes....ewoks! This dog is way closer to an ewok than an actual dog. I don't know what it is, but I want one. This is the only one of the 5 of these I just went ahead and looked at the answer...I wouldn't know a pure bred dog...well, if it bit me! Haha. Let's look:

Correct Response:
I love the insinuation, in the tone of the text, that the dog's trying to  get one over on us. I bet he could care less if he were purebred or not. Also, let me write down "Brussels Griffon" in the hopes of getting one of from the Forest Moon of Endor some time in the near future.

5) College Prom Edition:

Ok, finally! Something I know something about! Clothes! Unfortunately, I'm just as jammed up on this one as I was on the others...I feel like it's a trick question! "A" seems way too racy, unless you have Ava Gardner's own figure and face to  fill it out, but I am secretly drawn to that emerald sash, though I wouldn't wear a cut out like this. The striped dress in the middle seems like it should be a day dress and about 10 inches shorter, if that's the case. Also, I hate the red head's hair! Not the hue, but the plastered-down poodle bangs of it. Even though it looks like an enormous chiffon cupcake, I vote for "C", as the most appropriate to wear to a formal occasion in year of our Lord 1947. Let's see how we did:

Correct Response:
 What! I feel gypped! They're all acceptable!

At the end of each of these "better taste" advertisements, Clarks gives a shout out to the inspiration for this series, a popular book:

Best part? THE BOOK IS AVAILABLE IN FULL TEXT ON THE INTERNET ARCHIVE! I need to get to reading this so I don't feel so 1947 gauche!! A cursory flip-through makes it look like it's probably a fun read, so if you enjoyed these quizlets today, be sure and check out the real deal on the archive.

So! Do you vehemently agree or disagree with any of these responses? How closely did yours line up to mine or the arbiters of taste from 70 years ago? Any indispensable style manuals you've had fun reading lately? Let's talk!

I gotta get back to work, but I'll see you here tomorrow! Have a great Monday! Til then!


  1. Yikes! I got some right but totally failed in others. I did like the zebra though. Probably says that I'm a "woman of a certain age" or something. I've seen Brussels Griffons in person and honey, they look just like that. You need to get a load of one sometime! They're totally whackadoodle.

    1. I. WANT. A BRUSSELS. GRIFFONS. How do they even exist? They're giving pugs (another favorite) a run for their money in the "funny face" category. So sweet!

  2. Phew that was FUN!! Brilliant! I was agreeing with your choices mostly.. Wow I'm exhausted. Using my head like that is hard work at 6am! Fun though! Gonna check that link.

    1. I agree, that quiz was harder than I thought it would be! And I was insulted by my wrong answers (haha, I am obviously a sore loser).

  3. Omigod!! DOggie F!! I want to scoop you up and make you mine! I swear, I would snatch that doggie in a minute...and may even name him doggie F!

    1. "Here, Doggie F! Come get your kibble!" ---> WOULD BE PRICELESS. What a hoot!

  4. Is it so wrong to like all of it?!!! Or is all my taste in my mouth, as they say? I like the zebra and the naive, giraffe, lamp base!

    1. I know, sometimes I'm like "is all of the above an option?"

  5. haha - funny :-)
    i had the same ideas as you - except the dogs.
    dont know why, but i was sure that F was not "pure". maybe it is because he looks like a german dachshund with something unknown - i love rough haired german dachshunds.

    1. Haha, that is a funny looking dog in the last panel. But then, some of the purebreeds are weird looking, too! I personally think Doggie F might have been the cutest, in spite of his checkered past!

  6. Hmmph. Well I got them right all but the would appear that, as predicted, 70 years later we'd have different ideas about that giraffe lamp base! The Chewie dog is too creepy to NOT be purebred! Doggie F was my choice only because he looks like my little Pip, only with weird floppy ears...and whadaya know? Doggie F IS half Scottie after all! He also happens to be the cutest dog of the 6!
    Moral of the story: I have good taste after all...well, for 1947 anyway. Pretty sure my modern taste level is highly debatable.

    1. I want a Scottie! And I would go to bat for your modern taste level, you would pass with flying colors!
