Friday, June 20, 2014

Photo Friday: A HEAVENLY Ski Chalet Edition (circa 1960's)

Good morning! 

Matthew and I are popping out of the house this morning on a rare shared day off for the beginning of a top secret adventure? How top secret? Well, not very, because I'm going to tell you all about it on Monday, but for the moment? Strictly hushhush and on the QT. However! In the meantime, why not get a gander of these photos from a 1960's (I think?) ski chalet. CAG Photography put together a lovely album of photographs for their parents' 50th wedding anniversary (cheers!) and these were among the snaps of their happy family. As usual, go check out their photo stream if you like what you see! I appreciate them for posting these so I could borrow them for Photo Friday.

You guys take care, don't actually go into shock on account of how jealous you are of these low lying couches and disc chairs, and I'll give you a scoop on Monday! Take care, find good stuff! We'll talk then. :)


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