Wednesday, June 11, 2014

Celebrity Bowling on Hulu, Lisa on a Migraine (1971 and 2014, respectively)

Good afternoon!

I am battling a sleep-deprivation-induced migraine today with everything I've got, kids-- I had a dinner date with a friend penned in on the calendar , got all glammed up for post-work partying, and as most of the best laid plans, have been completely derailed by what feels like an invisible ice pick running through my temple. UUUGH. WHY DO YOU DO ME THIS WAY, BODY?

I was going to talk to you about spring dresses from 1947 or possibly Jello-- instead, why don't check out this bizarre, bizarre offering on Hulu from year of our Lord 1971? If you think tv programming in 2014 is sometimes paper thin in the plot/concept department, flash back to forty-three years ago, and this program, where Academy Award winners Ernest Borgnine and Laurence Harvey are paired with Virginia Graham (a talk show host, says Wikipedia, I'm not super familiar with her) and Martin of Rowan and Martin's Laugh-In fame to see who's king of the ten-pin. Other episodes include feats of semi-athletic prowess (or lack thereof) by Lucie Arnaz (Desi and Lucy's daughter), Ed Ames, Frankie Avalon, a not-famous-for-anything-yet-except-being-Kirk's-son Michael Douglas (!!!), and a lot of other people who were probably a lot more recognizable to people in 1971 than now. I wonder if people will feel this way about Hollywood Game Night some day? Who knows?

Enjoy, keep a good thought that I don't actually die of headache related pain, and God willing, I'll talk to you tomorrow! Til then.


  1. Sorry you had a migraine-I know your pain. Time for a dark room & a Fioricet. Take care, hope you get to feeling better real soon

    1. Thanks, lady! I don't know if it's the weather or something I'm doing wrong but sheesh! Enough with the headaches here.

  2. What? How have I never heard of Celebrity Bowling? Must check it out.

    Hope you feel better soon!

    1. Thanks! Re: Bowling: 1) I can't believe it exists, 2) And then I also can't believe I'd never heard of it. Enjoy!
