Friday, May 23, 2014

Photo Friday: Dad in Korea Edition (1953)

Good morning! 

It's Photo Friday, and you know what that means...well, pretty much what it says, photos upon this sunny Friday. And don't I have a doozy. I know I say that every week, but I MEAN IT every week! I was looking at some photos of a handsome mid century couple and their pretty much adorable offspring when I came across a whole slew of photos the father had taken in Korea during the US involvement in that conflict. BUST. MY. BUTTONS. These are even better than a lot of the history books, owing to tank driver/photography enthusiast Roy Hatch's keen eye for a good picture, and the jaw-dropping clarity of the Kodachrome color slides after all these years. 

I don't know nearly enough about the in's and out's of military life and especially at this particular place and time, so I'll just share with you the photos that really caught my eye and look like they came directly from a Spieldburg calibre movie about it, along with the flickr user's comments on each for identification purposes. I love that the dad chimed in on some of these! See the original posts (along with other user comments and extra photos) here, click right to start the progression.

"C-124 loading troops from Seoul, South Korea to Kokura, Japan for R & R. Korea 1953"

"Lunch is Served"
"Tank Training with ROK Army"

"Tank Training"
"Army Life"
"Writing Home"
"ROK Army Training"
"Big Gun School"
"Training with ROK Army"
"M-46's--This was the 2nd Platoon, 64th Tank Battalion. (Note each number starts with a 2 and 21 would be the platoon leaders tank)"
"View From the Tank"
"Parade Dress"
"Children View from US Army Tank"
"Chipmunk Dreas"
"Ride with a View"
"Tank Transport"

"Going Home"
"Boat Ride Home"
I'm sorry, the last one is like "COULD THIS BE ANY MORE BEAUTIFUL AND MOVING AT THE SAME TIME." Between the words "going home", that sea of olive drab capped hopefuls, and the majestic boat in the harbor, I mean, I can't even handle it.

So! I hope you enjoyed these photos, and remember to check out the rest of the photostream here. As always, I thank the people who took the pictures of yesteryear I enjoy digging up every week, almost as much as I thank the flickr user/family member for uploading them so the world could see little pieces of history on the internet for free. A treat indeed!

Have a great weekend! I am gone with the wind for this week, but I'll see you back here Monday! Take care (maybe I'll see you at the Flea Market, Tennesseans!). Til then.


  1. I freaking love Kodachrome. I was really sad when Kodak discontinued it a few years ago.

    These photographs are amazing. The three portraits are my favorites. There's such an immediacy there. (And I love chipmunks!)

    1. I just don't think it can be beat for longevity and color-saturation. GOR.GEOUS. (I also love the pet squirrel)

  2. Lisa thank you for this post, really for all your posts! I don't always read them in a timely manner, but by gosh I am never entertained and enthralled with what topic you choose to write about! You are a joy. Today's photo Friday find is outstanding! I am very grateful for the owner of today's selection for taking the time to scan and archive them and you for finding them to share with your followers! Thank you, this reading sure beats a daily newspaper any day of the week!

    1. Uh, I meant "never not entertained'. I am equally bad at texting. My kids laugh at me all the time!

    2. Thanks, Vivian! Your comments are always so kind and it's readers like you that make me want to keep this blog up and open for business! :) I was all set to do a post about the parents and their adorable kids, and then I came across this set and my jaw just dropped. The father, Roy Hatch, has such a good eye for photography (which he's passed on to his son, who is also a photographer and put these photos on flickr!).

  3. Love it! Korea has changed so much... back in the 50s, my grandfather (Korean) could have been one of the guys in those photos. I lived in Korea from kindergarten through 4th grade, and the changes to that country even since I was there are astounding. I think anyone looking at old photos of Korea and Japan would just be so impressed how the hard work and diligence of those people have built some of the most incredibly modern cities and societies in the world!

    I have some old WWII photos of my grandfather looking very handsome if you ever want to check them out. At least, I have the digital scans now, the originals went back to the family safe.

    1. That's amazing-- I can't even imagine what it would be like to see such rapid change to a country... from rural to modern, to boot!

      I would L-O-V-E to see those pictures, email me the scans if you get a chance! You know how I love a handsome man in a 1940's photograph (ie A LOT). That's so cool you have digital copies to look at and remember that part of your grandfather's history.

  4. These are like, National Geographic great. I must admit, when I saw the shots of inside the tents, I immediately said "Hey it looks just like M*A*S*H!" Seriously though, a well documented reminder of their public service- especially nice around Memorial Day.

    1. Thanks, Ruthie! I almost died looking at some of these...the last one especially. It's JUST LIKE A MOVIE. And that's the amazing thing, that someone was there with a camera and just took that one shot so we could see it all these years later like we were there. Don Draper's "It's not a slide projector, it's a time machine" speech is true!

  5. Wow! I just stumbled upon your blog when I saw the link in my flickr stats and was pleasantly surprised. I've sent this link to my father (the photographer).


    Richard Hatch
    Franktown, Virginia

    1. Thank YOU for posting these photos online! I am so pleased you found my little corner of the internet and I could tell you and your father how amazing these pictures are.
