Thursday, May 15, 2014

Etsy Spotlight: Dada Dreams Postcards

Good afternoon!

Time got away from me today, I'm sorry to report-- I'd meant all dang day to put together a post and between work and my listless poring over celebrity Curbed Los Angeles (I'm only human!), it's three o'clock and I haven't posted yet! Tsk, tsk...! I'll try to get Photo Friday to you in a timely manner, but in the meantime, take a late-in-the-day gander at these crazy, cute postcard collages from a store called Dada Dreams on Etsy.

Original Collage on Paper Scary Horror Story Postcard Art Lowbrow Comic Monster Art
I'm not usually a big fan of altered art-- I feel like way too much of the time bored, questionably talented would-be artists ruin perfectly good old things by "remaking" them into something lame (that's my little dark storm cloud opinion and I'm sticking to it!). NOT THE CASE HERE. Michelle Lanter takes vintage postcards and combines them with cheeky vintage comic book illustrations in these I've selected from the shop, and what you get is pretty dang neat, if you ask me. What I think makes this even better than either original piece alone. I never call things "clever", but that's exactly what these are-- well thought out, smart, and funny.

Original Collage on Paper Strange Curious Creature Art Postcard Weird Monster
All these postcards I've reproduced here are available in her Etsy shop, and there's even more to look at on her blog, including these postcards of hapless sleepers and these postcards of kissy-faces in various locales. She does other print media as collage (vintage ads and illustrations from books), but I think the postcard format works best because it's just a perfect little one-off have your setting, just put your players to work in it.

Original Collage Chicago Art Postcard Paper Collage Subway Train Station Comic Art
The one above may be my favorite, and let's do an anatomy of a scene here-- the already ominous setting of Chicago's subway well used by adding a screaming, fleeing commuter, but what I love is how the proportion and placement of the figure makes it blend seamless into the background. DE.LIGHTFUL.

Original Collage Art Los Angeles Art Postcard LA Gorilla King Kong Altered Art Animal
I now pretty much want framed copies of these all over my house. Also, I want to get crafty with my xacto knife and ephemera collection and see if I can't come up with my own witty little collages. Remember the one I did for my friend Michael's wedding? Maybe there's more where that came from, when the right materials surface and inspiration strikes! The wheels of my imagination are definitely set spinning by this sterling example of fun kitsch.

How about you? Have you seen any neat handmade items that have inspired YOU lately? What disparate items would YOU combine to create a wholly new, perfect product like these? Make sure you check out both websites for more from Lanter, I kind of want to be her now.

Gotta get back to the drudge, but have a great rest of the day! I'll see you tomorrow for Photo Friday. Til then! :)


  1. vintage horror postcards... it doesn't get much better than this! I cannot get over how incredible these are!!!

    1. Isn't she talented? I LOVE THESE. So smart!

  2. Thank you for featuring my postcards! They are so much fun to create and I'm glad you enjoy them.

    1. I really had a blast looking through you work on Etsy and your website! Keep putting these beautiful things out into the world, lady!
