Friday, December 27, 2013

Photo Friday: And a Happy New Year (1963-1964)

Hello again!

Have any exciting New Years plans? I think we're going to just try and take it easy in our old age, but if we weren't, I would hope we would have a New Years like some of these people. Examine, please, at your leisure, these photos from NYE 1963 and 1964, and tell me people didn't have more fun back then.





Sorry to have such a short post, but I'm feeling a little under the weather! I plan to recuperate with Mandy Patinkin on my Surface and lots of diet-sprite-and-ice. Have a great weekend, and I'll see you Monday with bells on! Til then.


  1. Love the tiny hats! And OMG NEW YEARS BABY '64! I would love to party with any of the above crowd :) ...including yourself! I hope you get to feeling better soon.

    1. Thanks, Ruthie! I'm a million times better this week. I get so run down from not sleeping well! Do you not just WANT TO BE at the party with New Year's Baby? That dude DOES NOT care. He's all in! :D

  2. I love these pictures! I spent Christmas Eve watching my family home movies from the 1950's and '60's-and I have been in a very nostalgic mood ever since. People did seem to have more fun back then, maybe because they were so focused on each other, with less distractions?

    I hope you feel better soon!

    1. That's so sweet! You should make a tradition of it! My dad digitized a lot of my grandma's photo albums recently and you should have heard some of the stories we'd never swapped about these pictures! Stuff was tumbling out of the woodworks! I think I'm going to make that one of my New Years resolutions, to try to embrace that "have fun, focus on others" esprit.

  3. i LOOOOOVE new years! we just go to a friends house and dance and do karaoke and eat a ton, then watch the ball drop and sing auld lang syne really loud a few times. it is the best!

    1. You're doin' it right! :) That sounds totally fun.
