Monday, October 14, 2013

Weekend Finds: A Trio of Deals! (Vintage Clothes, that is)

Good morning!

Here, for my first post-wedding weekend finds (yes! I can go to estate sales again! I needn't worry about nailing down wedding planning details in all of my free time!), I present you with three very cute things I picked up at a sale in Donelson on Saturday morning. Let me take you through a recap of the scores!

This estate sale was right off Lebanon Pike, down the street from the one I went to last year where I found the framed baby picture with actual human hair (you never forget your first framed picture with actual human hair, I've heard it said). The house was pretty time-capsule-y, with a pink and perwinkle tiled bathroom (the sink and the commode were both perwinkle!) and a Brady-Bunch style room divider built into the wall to the galley kitchen, where you could both see through to the kitchen cabinet or display knick knacks (your choice). In one bedroom closet, where I've been used to seeing eighties' sweater after eighties' sweater at recent sales...I always seem to get there five minutes after the etsy dealers, who just take everything of a certain age and bolt...eureka! There were only three pieces of clothing (maybe a few more, but nothing that was as interesting), and I took each to the hall mirror to try them on in front. 

This dress, in spite of a weird shoulder pad configuration that makes me look neckless (I have to rethink that part of the garment...they might just need replacing), had me at the elegant, pinwheel lace detail on the decorative cuffs. Reminds me of a photo of Marlene Dietrich in a black dress with lace cuffs in the thirties' that I can't find now, but imagine very early career, like this. It's weird, because I would think cuffs like this would warrant some kind of tiny peter pan or at least some kind of collar at the neck (or lack thereof), but instead they're these stark white pops on an otherwise plain (though handsomely cut) black dress. I didn't find any tags on the inside, so the dress may be handmade...I'm thinking early fifties'? Late forties'? Price tag (which you can still see attached because I was lazy and had no scissors with me in this impromptu morning photo shoot)? $8. And half off Saturday! So $4.

Next was this little early-to-mid fifties' jacket, which, in spite of a color that is within spitting distance of denim, is actually a wool blend of shades you can see better in this close up:

I couldn't find anything on this company, but a few other examples of wool suits, 1940's-1960's, popped up on ebay. I love the non-contrasting buttons and the little flaps for pockets at the waist of this jacket. $6, half off, so $3! THREE. DOLLARS. I couldn't pass on it if I wanted to. I would like to wear this with a pencil skirt and a little topper of a hat, รก la Gene Tierney or these girls on a sewing pattern, with a great big old brooch on one label (because of the limited time I had this morning, i just put it on over the lace cuff dress for a quick snap). Wouldn't it look cute all dolled up like that!

Last but not least, the true winner of this series of steals:

I know I'm wrong for buying another coat, but how could I pass on this gratuitous fur cuffs-and-collar combination? Plus buttery caramel color? I couldn't help myself. It's Forstmann wool with only the one button missing, and this "Tinsley's, Nashville" label on the inside:

I had never heard of Tinsley's (versus more familiar Nashville department stores like Cain Sloan or Castner Knott), but I found this online, which identifies its former location "at Church Street and 7th Avenue". Oh, you mean where I'm sitting typing this right now? ((cue theremin music))  You can read more about the old Tinsley's department store in Nashville in this preview from George Zepp's book on hidden Nashville history.  The only disappointment of the coat was that the third button on the left was missing. I looked under the over sized flaps, but there were no pockets. I looked in the lining for an extra such luck. Probably stashed in someone's "button jar" somewhere where it would never be reunited with its intended purpose. Le sigh. The cashier lady and I considered the option of moving the top button down and just using it that, and with heavy heart, I agreed that was a possibility. I hate cloth covered buttons and their irreplacability!

When I got home and tried on the coat a second time, I realized that the flaps were on the outside of the pockets, not over them as I had originally thought. Inside the secret pocket? The missing button. Hallelu! I will be reaffixing this to its rightful place sometime this week, and then I've got a seriously cute vintage coat with no flaws instead of a seriously cute vintage coat with a somewhat glaring flaw. Price? $20, so $10 Saturday price. Score, score, score!

I got some other stuff (including one thing I needed even less than I needed another winter coat to be hung in the already-overflowing-coat-closet), but that's the goods for today! What do you think? Did you pick up anything spectacular this weekend? Find any great finds? Go to any good sales? What's the best vintage item you've picked up lately? Let's talk!

I gotta get back to the grind, but I will see you back here tomorrow! Have a good Monday (even though it is Monday), and we'll catch you on the flipside. Til then!


  1. What beautiful pieces you found! I love that last shot where you're all "Whoa man! The button!!"

    Let me know if this is a house that I should check into. Sounds goooood.

    1. Haha, that last picture is how I felt! "DUDE! YES!" :)

  2. The mister and I went to that estate sale on Friday! So glad those garments found a great home- you look lovely! The prices were still a bit high on Friday, so we only left with a puzzle. lol. :)

    1. Yeah, the prices were first-day high, but just right at half off. Did you see those kid's shields on the table next to the door? A two-piece set of little boys' "Gladiator" shields from the fifties'. I was almost tempted, but I resisted!!


  4. That dress! You look like a million bucks and I can't believe it was only $4. That is beyond awesome. Also, I want to pet the fur. It looks so very soft!

    1. Thanks! I am so excited about wearing both of them if it ever turns fall!

  5. Replies
    1. Thank you, Helen! I am dying to get a chance to wear some of them. Bring on the cooler weather!!

  6. I bought three dresses at that sale early Sat morning. The ladies tried to get me to buy the coat but I can't wear coats, I'm always too hot. Glad you got it! I saw those shield things too, they were so neat but I resisted. I have to save my money for a trip I'm going on.

    1. Atta girl! I bet they were cute, too! I wonder who ended up with those shields, they were killer.
