Wednesday, October 2, 2013

Week of Wedding 2: The Ceremony

Good morning!

Without further ado, your humble narrator as a bride:

AAAH, right? What do you think?! After trying on every dress it seemed like they had at David's Bridal, and never finding anything that seemed even close to "me", this dress was standing on a mannequin in the window of the Jessica McClintock store at Cool Springs Galleria. My mom and I were cutting across the second floor to look for shoes at Macy's when I saw the hoop skirt and went..."Well, I know I said I declared war on bridal dresses and am actually going to walk the aisle in a pickle barrel, but listen...I think I should try that dress on." Wasp waisted and pintucked at the bodice? Check. Ivory satin for days? Check. It looked even better when I tried it on. Who would have thought! Jessica McClintock, founder of Gunne Sax, ubiquitous prom gown manufacturer, and my bridal gown designer. I could not be more pleased. As for the veil, I kept telling my mom I wanted to look exactly like something that would sit at the top of a wedding cake-- frothy and feminine without being frou frou, ultra traditional without being tight-laced. I love it! This look is E-X-A-C-T-L-Y what I wanted.

I kept eeking out, "I look like a vintage Barbie! I am so happy right now!" Kelsey, who's been my best friend since 1997, helped me get ready, and had a "day of wedding" kit that is like nothing a non-professional wedding planner has ever seen. From granola bars ("I googled "Vegan snacks", these are good!" she said) to chalk for stains to rice paper to blot perspiring pores, this girl is like A MACHINE. And this machine freakin' nails it at weddings. She also took me to my hair appointment that morning and served as a day-long morale coach to everyone involved in the wedding. Between her and the Huberts and Rob, I kept remembering all day what an amazing group of friends I have, and that was the spark I needed to keep me not scared about the ceremony!

I assure you I'll bug you all over the place when I get my formal wedding photos back, but here are some that Kelsey took as the photographer was also taking photos. I wore a bracelet, necklace, and earring rhinestone jewelry set from the sixties' (half off day at a Michael Taylor estate sale, and looking like way more than $8), and those gold Steve Madden shoes from the shoe post I did a while back. No one could see the slippers, but they made me feel even more Cinderella (if possible).

Matthew was in our room at the hotel well I readied myself in Kelsey's room. The bride's side of the preparation involved double sided tape, last minute spritzes of hairspray, the fastening of tiny clasps on jewelry, and squeals. The groom's side looked like this:

That's bibi eating a square of Lindt chocolate while playing Mario Kart on his 3DS. He is possibly the cutest thing ever. Kelsey took a video of us seeing each other in our little wedding clothes for the first time, and it was a really sweet moment. Then we broke back into boys team and girls team of wedding attendants. Our camp drank champagne and joked about how I could probably make it from the half-balcony of the hotel room to the drainpipe to the parking lot if my nerves got the best of me. Here's Kelsey (l) and Alyx (r) and then my sister Sus and me:

After that, we took about 1,000,000 formal photos, and got ready for the main event! Here's Matthew an hour or two later getting ready to go in with Pastor Chris and his brother Noah:

The processional music we chose was "March of the Siamese Children" from the 1956 movie version of The King and I (dubbed from tv version of the scene here). I was absolutely obsessed with this movie around fourth grade, at which time I had committed the soundtrack to memory and was totally in love with Yul Brynner ("Ah...I forget...English not scientific enough for use of chopsticks"...burn, English nationals...ouch). The song from the presentation of the king's many progeny to their new governess peaks at the presentation of the number one born son, whose entrance in heralded by clanging cymbals and swelling strings. Where do you think I decided to come in? 


The aside my dad is making to me in the photo below has something to do with the fact that it took us so long to walk down the aisle. During the rehearsal, I mentioned to everyone that in spite of having rearranged the order and length of the song professionally (thank you, producer-friend Bobby, for making this happen!), there was still a small room and a lot of music! Accordingly, we practiced walking slow but there was a good forty seconds or so to go when it was supposed to be time for the father to escort his daughter down the aisle in the actual event. It was a classic "Lisa and her dad" moment:

Dad: ((in a whisper, but over the music)) We're gonna look dumb, man! How long do wait before we walk?
Me: You know who they're waiting on, right? Us! We're the show! Let 'em wait! I ain't walkin' til I hear cymbals!
Dad: ((standing solemnly, then cracking up again)) They're all in there like, what the heck are they waiting on?
Me: I'm waiting on my cymbals!

It was totally worth it. I would also like to mention that I worried for no less than the entire walk down the aisle that my "back looked fat" as I was walking or that my bra strap was showing. Success! Neither was true!

Pastor Chris delivered a really sweet ceremony. The one hiccough was when he mentioned to Matthew, in the preamble to the vows, that "Lisa is going to have days where she's stressed out from work, or she's tired. Lisa might have bad hair days--" to which Babu immediately interjected, "She will NOT!" and we both giggled as the audience outright laughed. I mentioned later at  the reception that I don't have bad hair days, I just call out of work, sick ("SICK OF THIS HAIR!"), but it was a cute little moment. I could almost see Matthew through my veil, but it was so surreal how the whole event took place in soft-focus behind the tulle netting! Also, what a "wow this is for real!" moment when he lifted the blusher and kissed this very happy bride.

We face the guests as man and wife! I specifically asked the pastor to introduce us as "Mr. and Mrs. Matthew H------", because whatever the opposite of feminist thought on that is, that's what I subscribe to. I'm nobody's property, but to be Mrs. [Husband Name] [Last Name] is something I've been looking forward to for years and years, ever since my grandma used to sign her checks in that format. 1962, I've arrived! Here I am!

Here we are just after the ceremony, giving a hug! It was sweet because I was so giddy the entire time after the ceremony....we did it! We're wed! Matthew had a hard time letting go of me after each hug, and could you blame him? Smitten to death, both of us.

Thanks again to Kelsey and Jules for taking these photos so I could tell you about them!

So! What do you remember from your wedding ceremony, the actually nitty gritty of the event? Have you had a wedding or been to one where the ceremony was really special? Let's talk!

More on our first dance and cake tomorrow! You'll be sick of weddings by the time I'm done with this this week, haha. Thanks in advance for your forbearance, and I'll see you soon! Til then.


  1. You look so lovely! So happy for you!

  2. You look so beautiful. That dress is an amazing find and it fits you perfectly! Congrats to the both of you. I can't wait to see the formal photos!

    1. Thank you! I am so happy about how it turned out, it really was just a dream of a dress (and a day!). More photos forthcoming!

  3. Oh my goodness, you looked so beautiful in your dress! I really love that short by the window where you're in a shadow, too. Looks like it was wonderful, and just what you wanted. I sniffled through the whole post. lol I can't wait to see more!

    1. Thanks, Tasha! It's funny how the photographer goes "Do this!" and the ones I had secret misgivings about actually yield some of the best shots! I will post the formal ones whenever I get them (expect a return to wedding mania around the first of the year, haha).

  4. Stop it! Y'all are soooooo damned cute! I love the dress. I love the veil. I love the jewelry. You did good! And I don't even know Kelsey but I love her amount of preparation.

    1. Kelsey is a force to be reckoned with in the planning department, dude. She had us covered! Thanks for all your kind words, I am so happy with how everything ended up playing out! :)

  5. Oh yaaaay! You look so beautiful! Sounds like you had the most perfect day <3

  6. You look amazing! Congratulations!

    1. Thanks, Anthea! I'm glad I went with the ballroom style dress because really, if you're going to do something, do it BIG, right? :)

  7. I bet ALL of your readers are grinning like (romantic) fools over these pictures! Swoon - such a gorgeous bride, such a lucky groom - cheers to the adorable couple!!!! So many congratulations - what a smart match!

    1. Haha, thanks for all your pep talk in your last comment before the wedding! It was good food for thought whenever I was worried about how detail A or B would turn out, seriously. Aren't we cute? (she says with an almost undue amount of pride) It all went (relatively) according to plan! I plan on wearing that dress around the house every weekend-- it made me so happy!

  8. Yay! You looked gorgeous! I love it all! Congratulations. :)

  9. THAT DRESS IS AMAZING!! I didn't even know that the Jessica McClintock store was still there. All my friends got their prom dresses there...I was always jealous bc my mom refused to spend over like $50 on a prom dress. Surely I take after her.

    1. It just closed! I actually remember to go back and get my veil the week before tax-free weekend, and when I asked about the store hours that week, they were like "Um, our store is maybe today, maybe tomorrow...we're actually not sure when our last day is." ((cue frantic cross city drive to Cool Springs for veil retrieval)) The bad news: they did shutter their doors the next day. The good news: my veil was like 70% off, and they had the one I wanted when I originally tried on the dress! #weddingmiracles

  10. your dress is perfect! how random that Jessica McClintock came through! The little "she will NOT" moment is just too perfect and adorable for words! what i remember most from our ceremony was alllll the bridesmaids telling me they couldn't help but cry because travis was looking at me so sweet! and i remember my friend thomas who was a groomsmen had a button pop off his suit right as we were saying our vows. haha. it was awesome.

    1. Thank you, I love it! And how weird it was just standing in the window...I'll admit I didn't even know she did non-prom formal wear! I love the button popping off your groomsman that day. That would have been the cue on one of the bridezilla shows to stop the ceremony and start the browbeatin', haha!

  11. What a great day for you two! Love your dress and veil, the bridesmaid dresses, color and style, and the shots of the pre-ceremony events! The shot of Matthew and his Nintendo will be my son one day. Nintendo was not invented on my wedding day, it came as an anniversary present for my husband 3 years later! UH. But this is not about me. This is about you and Matthew, may you have many, many days of happiness to you both! I will tune in tomorrow for a piece of that wedding cake!

    1. That's so neat you got a Nintendo for you anniversary-- now THAT'S a romantic present in our house, no joke, better than flowers! Thanks for your well wishes, we are super happy to be hitched!

  12. I could never, ever get tired of you gushing over your big day! I think it's wonderful that you're so in-the-moment and completely aware of how exciting it all is. So many brides seem stressed or even bored (if that's possible) and don't tell themselves "Pay attention here, girlie, this is your wedding. Remember it!" Incidentally, I just realized that all my favorite movies feature a wedding: Wedding Crashers, 27 Dresses, Father of the Bride (all versions), Nine Months, Cold Comfort Farm, Gentlemen Prefer Blondes, 40 Year Old Virgin...I could go on, but I'll spare you. Congratulations!!!

    1. Haha, I'm glad you liked the post, I kept worrying people would be like "ENOUGH ALREADY WITH THE WEDDING, OMG." I had never thought about how many great movies have weddings in them! Thanks for the congratulations! :)

  13. This is awesome! It looks like you had an absolute dream of a day! You look beautiful and you both look so happy. I fully endorse you waiting for the cymbals - what drama!!! Also, what a brilliant choice of music! Congratulations!!!

    1. We had a fantastic time. I'm still reliving the entrance to the was really exactly like what I wanted! It's the only thing I was like "Nope, we're doing this this way" for the entire ceremony! :) People have their priorities.

  14. You look GORGEOUS!!!! And the idea that your dress is a Jessica McClintock could not be more perfect!!

    1. Thank you! I love it because it wasn't ridiculously expensive, but it LOOKS so LUXE.

  15. swooning over these shots! you two are the darlingest. -anamika

    1. Hey, girl, thanks!! It was a fabulous day.

  16. You look so gorgeous! And what a happy couple you two make! Congratulations!


    1. Thank you, Janey!! We are totally goofy that we pulled it off!

  17. You two are absolutely adorable, and so was your wedding! You look so beautiful in your dress and veil and the two of you look so happy - heck, everyone at the wedding does. It's obvious just from the pics what a joyous day it was but I have no doubt that it's just going to keep getting better and better. Which is pretty magnificent given how great it is already.

    Also, how creepy is it that I totally want to see the video of you and your babu first setting eyes on each other on your big day?

    1. I still need to get that video from Kelsey! Thanks for reminding me and for your kind words!

  18. Best best best of wishes. Can't beat Jessica McClintock. Love the bridesmaids' dresses, too!

    1. They're from eshakti! It was great because we could get three dresses in the exact same color, but customized to my three bridesmaids' height and exact measurements. Another wedding miracle!

  19. How absolutely gorgeous you look! Perfection in every way! I love the pic of Matthew, chilling out playing his game.

    We were married at the courthouse, and what I remember most-halfway through the ceremony I started laughing and couldn't stop. I don't know if it was nerves or what-but I was literally choking with laughter. One picture I love has me laughing, and the best man has his hand on my shoulder, like he is afraid I am going to bolt or something. That was almost 20 yrs ago, and I haven't bolted yet :) Very best wishes for a long and happy life together!

    1. It's weird how you're in this completely bizarre emotional state the day of, I can sympathize with your giggles! I just totally went limp (exactly as my friend Kelsey told me I would!) the day of, knowing all I had to do was walk where they told me to walk and say what they needed me to say!

  20. My goodness! You ARE a vintage Barbie! So beautiful and graceful. You guys are totally adorable together. I'm on the very beginning end of wedding planning (haven't really done anything yet) I have a few faint ideas but not being a super girly girl I don't have a scrapbook full of preconceived stuff. I'll be doing a lot of home work this year. Thanks for taking sharing your experience!

    1. Oh, I am excited about your future nuptials! Girl, you will SO knock this out of the park. It's more fun and less work than people (myself included) make it out to be!
