Monday, July 15, 2013

Weekend Finds: Various and Sundry

Good morning!

The title of today's blog is actually a little of a cheat because I did find a few of these items BEFORE this weekend. However, as I was running around the house scooping up recent coups from my thrift store runs, how could I leave out some of these crazy things I've neglected to tell you all about in the past week or two, due to inherent laziness re: photographing junk hauls? I couldn't. You wouldn't want me to! Let's get a look at the loot:

I think the item out of the whole haul that made my heart stop the most when I first saw it is this vintage Maio print from Goodwill ($6.99). Holy SMOKES, just when I think things like this aren't out there anymore! I was digging through the picture frames when the sheer enormity of this print's frame, sticking out from behind a framed poster of some hot air balloons (bleh, hot air balloons) and early nineties' illustrated prints of Victorian dolls (bleh, early nineties' prints), piqued my interest. When I hauled it out, I had one of those "NO WAY! No way!" moments that make all the dry runs to my neighborhood Goodwills worthwhile....a diamond in the rough, my friends! 

Circa 1998, this thing would have been at the front of the now demolished DAV on Gallatin Road, with a collectible price of like at least thirty bucks. Look at the girl's voluminous petticoats, her tights and high button boots, her tiny little parasol... kitsch perfection. Maio is one of the more famous "big-eyes" artists from the Keane-craze of the 60's and 70's. She was more known for her girl harlequins than waifs, though she seemed to do a number of those as well. I've already found a place to hang this in the den, so I consider this find a perfect "10" of a thrift score.

Red Hall Kitchenware round casserole dish with lid? $7.99 at Saver's up in St. Louis! I love that it has the lid, and that the price was limbo-low.

This hat, dude. As I was walking out of another Goodwill killing time before work on Sunday, I had a Top Gun, slow motion, "Take My Breath Awaaaaaay" moment over near the belts when I saw it perched atop a shopping cart full of things to be put out on the floor. Not this one! You needn't bother with shelf-stocking it, because for $1.99, I'm takin' that puppy home. A blithe little label inside the hat reads "MADE IN MYANMAR (BURMA)", and the thing is COVERED in embroidery and sequins. I die. Even just sitting on my dresser, it was worth pulling the trigger. The only other one I could find online was this one that sold on Etsy about a year ago. Do you or a grandmother you know have a hat like this? Is there a matching fanny pack I need to know about? Let's talk.

A bunch of straw trivets, because I love beautifully made things almost as much as I love not setting hot casserole dishes on my kitchen table. $1.99 for all three of them:

I am torn between the Maio and this for "best find" award. I know I said I liked the sixties' print best, but oh my goodness. As you see before you, a diminutive tote, maybe for a kindergartner's school book bag. The front features a large cookie pocket, and the legend, "ONE CUTE COOKIE". But wait...what is that umbilical cord like protrusion from the inside of the bag?

OH MY GOD. OH MY GOD, THE CHANGE PURSE SAYS "CHIPS". There's a matching change purse that is supposed to be a chocolate chip. I DIE! ($1.99, Hermitage Goodwill, you're my new best friend)

This Elton John live record was professionally bowl-shaped by vinyl people in the know (there's a sticker on the bottom about the "process"). While I have friends who have successfully executed this, DIY style, at home with their kitchen ovens, I just don't think I would be able to make it look this professional. And for $2.99, I now have a great living room coffee table centerpiece. 

Last but not least, act like I didn't need this faux woodgrain, mint in box, seventies' travel tumbler. I won't, because I couldn't live with it out for ninety nine cents. Ever since I lost my enormous coffee tankard somewhere in the stacks (how did it get lost?! Will it return to me again some day?!), I have been drinking out of un-lidded coffee mugs, and those things are brutal for early morning car rides, sloshing all over the place. This is a means to an end, and a snazzy one to boot!

So! What did you guys get this weekend? Any crazy vintage scores at the estate sales? I've noticed the season has picked up considerably since a couple weeks ago, so there's bound to be good picking out there for all you fellow tag-sale-ites. I still have the dress-a-palooza of this last weekend to tell you about, but it'll have to wait until tomorrow (or whenever I get around to taking pictures of it all!). Have a great Monday (even if it is Monday), and I'll see you tomorrow! Til then.


  1. Ha! They wood grained EVERYTHING in the '70s, didn't they? Love it! And the box is just as cool itself! That fish trivet is to die for!!! I love old trivets as well. In fact, a trivet was one of this week's 'hauls' along with a great '50s sci-fi book called, The Mysterious Planet. Too bad I can't do a post since Pip and my mom's dog, Tavish, made quick work of my camera chip and usb a few days ago.

    1. Dogs and cats, man, they LOVE to destroy technology. You want to be like, "And HOW do you intend to pay for this, my four legged friends?" Those finds sound great! I want to know about this...mysterious...planet.... :)

  2. Those are fantastic! The travel tumbler and malo print especially. When I was in high school, maybe about 16, I got a bit butt crazy obsessed with I may or may not have collaged the front of a binder with her big eyed children. I was an odd bird, but it explained why I so love this find! And a month or two ago, I found a late 70's/early 80s thermos...originally to resell...but I can't part with it. I love it WAY too much.

    1. Man, I bet that Keane collaged notebook drew its share of comments (and deserved a lot of positive ones, haha)! I love having that one item you bought to gift/resell/whatever and you just fall in love with the durn thing to the pointing of keeping it. That's collector-ship for you.

  3. great finds! my favorite is that hat!! i love the idea of a matching fanny pack!

    1. Wouldn't I look fly? Like a cross between someone's grandma and M.I.A.

  4. Great finds, especially the travel mug. I have a special place in my heart for faux wood grain. When I was a kid, Mother drove a Jeep Wagoneer Limited with faux wood-grain panels on the sides, so maybe that is why? The season is in high gear again...the estate sale co. that employs me has several good ones in the works.

    1. My friend had a Wagoneer with woodgrain panels in college! He imaginatively called it "The Woody". Such a neat feature, I wish they took such care in making cars distinctive today! Sometimes it's hard for me to find my plain black Honda in the parking lot due to its anonymity. I am excited about estate sale seeeeaaaassssooon! :)

  5. Hmmm...I came across not one, but TWO of those fancy baseball hats for a DOLLAR apiece in the local "Bibles-For-Missions" shop;on the one, the brim was destroyed inside anyway, so I disassembled it and re-embroidered it; the other I haven't done much more than remove one of the appliques. maybe i ought to leave it "as is" and sell it for a profit on e-Bay!

    I scored also a "Steam Master" iron; it's not a Rowenta, I know- but it's much heavier than my last one, the cord draws up inside, and there's steam-steam-steam! Plus it has a built-in spray mister so no more goddam spray bottles to fall off the ironing board and break! I actually LIKE ironing, hence my enthusiasm...

    I scored also a blue iridescent carnival glass punchbowl and ALL the cups! AND a blue iridescent fruit bowl.AND a clear iridescent candy jar! AND a drill press! AND a buncha other stuff! *happy dance* And the lady told me that 'weather permitting' she would have even MORE cool stuff at her garage sale next week!

    1. You did good on those hats! I thought about reassembling mine into a belt or maybe some appliques on another dress, but haven't done so yet. It might just be all right as a crazy ballcap, but we'll have to see.

      Listen to all your scores! Jealous. You got the eye, girl! Good luck on your return trip to that garage sale.

  6. Eclectic finds for sure!!!! I like the Elton John album bowl!!!!!!! Great find! My fun treasure find of late is a 1959 Spiegel catalog in mint condition. Oh the things you could buy through a catalog, or one could ask why would you buy those things in a catalog?

    1. Thanks!! Fifties' catalogs are great period, and a Spiegel? Even better. I wish I could send my Sears 1947 list off to Santa and have him honor it. THE THINGS IN THAT CATALOG I WANT...

  7. I haven't been finding anything lately but I'm super lazy and don't travel any farther than Donelson, heh. I did get six books at the library sale on Saturday though!
