Friday, July 19, 2013

Photo Friday: My Sister Got Married Last Weekend Edition

Good morning!

I know Photo Friday is usually reserved for vintage photos, usually of other people's family members, but heck if I won't break whatever hard, fast rules I have for this blog whenever I want to-- it's the special province of being the blog's authoress!

Check it out, folks-- my baby sister up and got married last weekend!

Matt and Sus eating cake. Let them eat cake!

She and her now-husband, Matt, have been together for almost five years, and were wed last Saturday at the groom's parents' house in Franklin. They met at college in Clarksville where both of them were in the Fine Arts program, and have been inseparable ever since. Matt is a graphic designer for a signage company out in West Nashville, and Sus is the brains and beauty behind SoSticky, a sticker shop on Etsy (if you're into cool looking stickers, period, and specifically video-game influenced pieces, this gal is your gal). The short and sweet ceremony featured a cover of the Beach Boys' "God Only Knows" by A Might Wind, from the Bioshock soundtrack, and Electric Light Orchestra's "Mr. Blue Sky", and a lot of vows-saying and good-crying from the future spouses. Lulu, Matt and Susan's insanely well-behaved dog, acted as ring-dog.

Matt, his dad, and his brother.
After they were declared "man and wife", the bride was kissed and Matt took his new wife down the makeshift aisle in a little boogaloo. The casual reception dinner was a buffet of fried chicken, BBQ sliders, fresh fruit, and three bean salad (for us rabbit food eaters-- Matt's brother and sister-in-law are vegans, too!), and a beverage station of  flavored San Pellegrino, lemonade, wine and beer. Sus and Matt's cake featured the inscription "For Keeps", which Matt explained was a romantic inside joke between Carl Sagan and his wife Ann Duryan that resonated with their own relationship. There was also a cake topper that had stood on Matt's grandparents cake in the late forties'. How sweet!

Sus and I just after the champagne toast. My also photogenic mom has been cropped out due to a history of going "You used THAT photo?! That photo's HORRIBLE of me!" even though she always looks fine.
I did Sus's hair, making the invaluable discovery that a stripped silk flower, removed from its wire stalk, will thread through a bobby pin and stay in braided hair, producing a highly professional effect! My mom made little favors (which I think we'll be using in my reception as well, they're too neat) of candy boxes shaped like grooms and brides, with kisses and peppermints inside. These are all photos that were taken at the ceremony by members of Matt's family-- I took some of my own on my mom's digital camera (mine died), but have yet to retrieve them from her, and I wanted to make sure and get my own little wedding shout-out out there before the week was through!

Anyway, happy wedding week to my sister! Looking forward to having her and my new brother-in-law at my ceremony in September!

Have a great weekend, folks, and I'll see you on the other side. Til then!


  1. I love a casual laid back wedding! Congrats to your sister and you for both getting taken off the market in the same year!

  2. Aww, how fun! Your sister is a pretty bride. Hey, I saw you at the estate sale on Lakeshore in Old Hickory that I was cashiering at. I meant to say hello (like a normal person, you know, with social skills?) but I was focused on trying to total up a page of figures (estate sale math is hard) and figured I'd catch you once I was done. Which turned out to be 45 minutes later. BEST CASHIER EVAR. So, hi!

    1. Thanks! And I was looking for you on Friday because I figured I'd run into you "on the hunt"! Ships in the night. I was too busy trying to decide if I wanted that one framed print of the ocean to be aware of my surroundings, dang! I sympathize with the lack of math skills, I've had many an embarrassing moment at the checkout counter realizing 30% wasn't QUITE as much off as I thought it was. Dang uneven numbers. Maybe I'll catch you next time!! :)

  3. What a beautiful couple! Many, many decades of happiness to them...
