Monday, June 17, 2013

The Weekend That Was: Adventures in Beehiving

Good morning!

Whew, LORD, the weekend I had! I'm here to talk about it, somehow, as it's Monday. I've "revived the hive" (note the title of this morning's entry), so let's start by talking about maintaining a beehive in 80 plus degree weather (it ain't eeeeeassssy....)

I've been recently going through a new/old musical obsession that's got me thumbing through record bins at all corners of the Davidson County area to track down well-worn copies of albums that came out forty plus years ago...the amount of fervor I've put into it warrants its own blog post later this week, but as teaser (no pun intended, haha), I can offer up the tidbit that going back to my high-high-high hair has definitely been an offshoot of this passing fancy. It had been so long since I've Aqua-Netted my hair to landagarshen! As you might be able to see over my right ear, I'm still working on the structural stability, but it felt nice to go out with eye-catching hairdressing, back like I usta. Do you have an outfit or a hairstyle that just makes you feel like a thousand extra watts of personality? This one's mine.

This is a new dress from Gallatin Goodwill last week, which was fitting as I wore it out to a little past Gallatin  on Saturday afternoon to visit Matthew's dad and his wife April up in Bethpage. Fun was had! We journeyed back down  off the mountain in time for Matthew to sit in on a set of fifties' and sixties' songs with Chubby and the Dots for a wedding reception at the Stone Fox. He said that other than the air conditioning being out (calamity!), it was a really neat gig (the setlist sounded like an amazing mixtape someone would make for you of that-era music, so you can bet I was taking notes). This is me and the little guy lookin' serious. Do you ever forget to take pictures of yourself and your loved ones except on some rare special occasion? I do! I need to get my act together on that one!

On Sunday, my mom met up with Matthew and me to visit Sip in Riverside Village (which is a convenient, like, two minutes from our house on the other side of Gallatin Road). Strange bedfellows for a Father's Day morning? Not at all-- the three of us were meeting up with a friend of my friends the Huberts to talk about wedding catering. We had initially planned to do some kind of buffet spread through the hotel where we're throwing the whole to-do, but faced with the prospect of baked ziti or....baked ziti, at a king's ransom  no less, we needed new, more elegant offerings. Katie, who could not possibly have come better recommended from her friends-who-have-eaten-her-food, had prepared four menus, each of which sounded better than the last. We might actually have good food to eat in September on our big day! I am really stoked to decide whether I want food that sounds delicious A rather than food that sounds delicious B. Here's the second beehive I concocted this weekend for that meeting (and a later, run-over-to-the-house-for-hugs-and-gift-exchange with my Pappy):

 The dress is a little number from that amazing boxfull-of-mint-vintage-dresses haul almost exactly two years ago. The best news being, this would not zip two years ago, and fits like a charm now! I need to get back into that box and see what else is better going now that I've whittled down my waist a little bit more.

Last but not least, we visited Goodwill that afternoon after the two family-related-events (and an outfit change/de-hiving, to facilitate the trying on of new dresses) and found these:

Black velvet paintings from Mexico for three dollars a pop? SIGN ME UP. A thirties' print of the Hermitage in a professionally framed setting from the sixties' for six bucks? I'M IN. I know I'm going to have to build on to the house to have enough walls to display all my art, but dang. I couldn't leave these behind!

 So! I gotta get back to work, but let's chat! How was your weekend? Any clothing/hair successes or estate sale/Goodwill finds of note? Any tips about wedding catering or the best way to go about selecting a menu? What have you been up to lately?

That's all for today, but I'll see you back here tomorrow with more vintage goodness. Til then!


  1. Replies
    1. Thanks! I have a really oval-shaped head, so I feel like high, high hair looks better on me than long, loose hair.

  2. Your hair is looking spectacular Lisa!! I am the same exact way: the higher the hair, the higher my spirits! Lately I have even been flirting with the idea of a fall (or clip-in cheveux faux ) to reach the ultimate level of mid-'60s campy/vampy big hair. When I read that Dusty Springfield was so attached to her wigs she gave them all names, I became a little hooked on the idea of fake hair, hehe.

    LOVE those Mexican velvet paintings you thrifted too!! Semi-recently I found a velvet raccoon painting in a free pile outside someone's house... prized possession!

    1. Haha, you're the queen of the beehive, so that is high praise (no pun intended)! I love that Dusty named her wigs-- they were certainly an indispensable part of her wardrobe. I wonder where I could get one that was a mid-brown color-- I've seen very blonde and very dark but I'd hate to have one that was SO faux, know what I mean?

      The free pile! What were those people thinking! Treasure in the trash, for sure! :)

  3. i love the beehive! i wish i had enough hair to do it.
    my crown jewel of the weekend is my big ceramic clock shaped like a masonic temple!

    1. I think I saw that clock on a preview photo!! Good job, kid! :)

  4. I would consider such a find the "Past Masters Jewel" of the weekend!

  5. Love the hair!

    This weekend, I too was trying my hand at teasing! I watched this video and va voom! Here's my do!

    Why oh why was I not told about teasing YEARS ago!! Oh what fun!!

  6. Looking fabulous in your beehive! I love the beehive...its such a classic! Have a fabulous week!
    May xx

    1. Hi May! Thanks for reading! I'm beehiving through the week, thanks for the encouragement. :)

  7. Your hair is so amazing - how adorable! And those dress are great, I especially like that blue vintage one - so cute!

