Friday, March 8, 2013

Photo Friday: Golden Gal About Town Edition

Good morning!

We made it, folks! It's the end of the working week! I'm dashing off this super early morning post so I can make sure to get to Sus's house to pick her up in time to hit all the estate sales, but what kind of TGIF would it be without some forties' fashion inspiration?

Folks, meet June:

This flickr stream has a series of photos from the 1940's and beyond, but as you could guess, the peeptoe pumps and shoulderpads era of this family history held the most interest for me. June is the user's mother, and isn't she a stone cold KNOCKOUT? In the above photo, see her black heels, pocketbook, pleat-skirt suit, white gloves and that FUR, THAT FUR. I am once again reminded that people nowadays never take photos like this, just out on the sidewalk in front of somebody's house. Look at the sense of place you get from the single street lamp and the old cars on the unlined side street. No more selfies, we need to bring back the outfit photo on the go!

Along that vein, here's another woman-on-the-neighborhood-street photo:

Fellow vintage loving-and-wearing readers, is it not well nigh impossible to find a vintage suit like this that fits like a glove? I find, however hard I look, despite being relatively slim for my height, if it fits in the shoulders and in the waist, that suit will not budge on the hips. I might be able to negotiate it onto my ever-loving-body, but believe me, it is not a sight anyone wants to see wiggling uncomfortably down the street. This skirt, however, seems to allow a slightly higher hip and thigh ratio owing to the mild A-line of it. Note to self: find suit look this. Second note to self: THAT HAIR. OMG. THAT HAIR. Look at the beautifully coiffed "pouf" of the bangs! How do we achieve this look, ladies?

And once more, a perfect slice of life photo:

They seem to be somewhere on a country road! Look at the barn in the background, and June's loafers and hair. There is nothing I don't like about this photo.

What picturesque WWII era photo set would be complete without a photo of the girl and her enlisted man together in their finest?

ID bracelets were very popular in the forties', and June's beau, Thomas, is not immune to their charms. Also see his class ring and wristwatch. How about those tiny cocktail glasses? And June's hair? Love it.

Thomas looks A LOT like my mother's father...something about the squareness of his head and those handsome, chiseled features. I actually can't get over the fact that he's wearing a t-shirt, khakis, and saddle shoes on the right. I need to needle my dad about getting me copies of some of the digital scanning project he undertook earlier this year at my mom's behest-- turns out I DO have family photos, they were just all squirreled away in a closet at my grandma's house!

Next to last but not least!

Dang, girl! Ooh là là! This is mentioned in the caption as one picture June sent overseas to her future husband, fighting in the Pacific. I bet his fellow soldiers mistook this for a movie star pin-up at first glance, she's such a living doll! This reminds me of a "playsuit" outfit Olivia de Havilland wore in some publicity photo I found of her's such a flattering, sweet piece of cheesecake that it doesn't register at all as exploitative. She looks GORGEOUS.

And finally, here's June in a simple outfit with actually perfect hair. Doesn't she favor Solanah from Vintage Vixen? If my hair looks this good just ONCE in my life, I'll be happy.

So! Do you have any harmless cheescake photos of your more glamorous relatives? Do you have any vintage hairstyling tricks to let me look more like the aforementioned June? Any good sales this weekend? Let a girl know! And please take a look at the carefully curated photos on this flickr feed! They're too good not to share.

That's all for this week, folks! Keep your fingers crossed for Sus and me at the sales! See you Monday!


  1. These are some great photos! I too love peep toe shoes and the hair on these women are amazing. I to learn/practice doing my hair more.

    1. I think I'm going to cut mine eventually so it's more agreeable with setting patterns and the length mine is at, it's way too heavy to keep a good curl. And how much do I love all the hairstyles in this post! Someday. :)

  2. These photos are extremely! I love all of them!! Thanks so much for sharing them. June is my new fashion idol, especially in that printed blouse & loafers outfit!


    1. Thanks for reading, Tina! I want to replicate each of these outfits; casual glamorous is my favorite look after glamorous glamorous!
