Thursday, February 14, 2013

Valentine's Day Is Upon Us!

Good morning!

It's not too late! You still have plenty of valuable daylight hours to make a fond remembrance of this holiday to your loved one. I think Matthew and I are going to spend it eating Indian food and cussing about stuff we don't like, rather than eating fondue and blowing bubbles at each other, but you know what? I would not have it any other way! He's a great mate. :) Viva Valentine's!


Most of my memorable moments of Valentine's Day come from elementary school. Not to say that I have not had my share of thoughtful gentlemen callers, with mixtapes and chocolates in hand-- but something about those pre-romance days of the holiday really stick in my mind! Like in kindergarten when my mother and I spent half the night of the 13th making a hub-cap sized valentine for my teacher, Mrs. P. The top of a Reebok sneaker box's cardboard served as the base, and much red tissue paper and doilies and glitter as the trimmings...I remember marching into the classroom that February morn, 1991, presenting the card with suitable flourish, muttering almost accusitorily, "MymomsaidIhavetogivethistoyou", and running back out into the hallway, like the feral cat I was. Recounting this to my mom afterschool, she was more than a little crestfallen that my opening line had undermined the work and determination that had gone into constructing the card itself, but, ah, well. My teacher that year was totally evil! She made me afraid to give her a Valentine!

I also remember a second grade Valentine's box, yet another shoebox (shoe box and V-Day are inextricable in my mind), this time decorated in Muppets stickers and my name in gooey, half-dried, caterpillar thick letters just below the slot. I wish I still had it! I have never been prouder of anything I brought to school in my life (except possibly an Ariel doll that had a detachable mermaid costume for show and tell). I remember Jurassic Park Valentines (see here) were the big thing that year, as the hype machine towards its summer blockbuster release was in full effect that spring, and dang, they were neat! I wish I still had those Valentines, too! I can't wait til I have kiddlings and we have to make those shoeboxes. By then, it'll probably be e-cards and I'll have to have their dad work on the best looking template for their inbox, but we will roll with the 21st century punches!

The school Valentine's dance in fifth grade is also the direct link to why, in any conceivable version of reality, I know all the moves to the Macarena. When I say I went to grade school in the nineties', I re-e-e-e-e-ally went to grade school in the nineties'!


I used to hate this late Victorian, early Edwardian phase of candybox Valentine's art. Blame it on that weird, early to mid 90's thing where you could buy semi-kind-of-sort-of-like 1910's jewelry, and you could wear sort-of-kind-of-crochet-and-lace version of floor sweeping Victorian soured me on the whole concept. But you know, at my advanced age, I have completely turned a corner. Something about the diabetic-coma-inducing sugariness and the gorgeous lithographed colors of these postcards makes me want to run out and believe in true romance. Or at least re-read some Edith Wharton (and skip the last pages! AND SKIP THE LAST PAGES, PRETEND THEY JUST ENDED UP GETTING TOGETHER, FOR THE LOVE OF THE LORD). Look at this mustachioed man and his Gibson Girl in a lover's embrace! I was like, oh, how cute is this...and then I looked at the position of the man's left hand, and wondered if I shouldn't be a little offended, even in 2013. Discretion is the better part of valor, gentlemen!

This cupid needs to ask for some shorts for Valentine's day. Poor little guy! I do like his poem and his heart shaped lute, but the absence of clothes is really adding an unwanted undercurrent of eekiness to this. I swear I'm not just looking to pick a fight, get this kid some clothes!

Now, if only hearts really DID grow on trees. Look at the cupids making an orchard harvest out of this year's crop, the fruit of the cardiac tree! Careful, cupid, don't drop one!

I'm in love with 1900's-1920's comic strips, and these little cuties remind me of someone who would turn up in one (remember that picture of Buster Brown on Valentine's that I shared with you 1,000,000 years ago BC? BB, take note! This is how you do courtship without the creepiness!). Also, I would wear that dress in an adult size, now, now, NOW. 

Last but not least, a pair of sparrows delivering hearts the consistency of chiclets to the sea. Not sure what's going on here...still love it.
So! What are you doing for Valentine's? Even if you're not hitched up, I hope you at least treat yourself to some heartshaped candy or a Thin Man movie or two (my favorite single activity ever-- because whose company should you enjoy better than your own, plus or minus some sugar overload and some snappy 30's movie dialogue?). Can you remember your worst or your best elementary school Valentine's day? What's the worst or best present you ever got from a well-meaning beau or belle on the big holiday? DO TELL.

That's it for today...see you guys tomorrow for Photo Friday!


  1. I love this trip down memory lane! I remember having the biggest crush on this boy in 5th grade and carefully deciding which Aladdin valentine would be his. I opted for one with Abu the monkey that said, "I'm bananas about you!" Hoping that he would get the message that we clearly belonged together. He never did. Also I equate all my young vdays with the smell of big red gum bc that was my signature move- putting one stick of big red in easch of my classmates valentines. To this day anytime I smell cinnamon altoids

    1. TOTALLY. I can still remember hoping some poor little 10 year old boy would psychically get the message from my card selection that I completely loved him (um, because he had really cool sneakers, or he let me borrow his eraser that was shaped like a know, the things that make you realize you're totally compatible). Young love!

  2. I remember two specific things from Valentines as a wee little chickpea in little people land. One, of course, involves a shoe box! It must have been around 2nd grade. I had the most glorious V box in the class! It was ecrusted with layer upon layer of doilies, heart stickers, red glitter...and I mean the REAL glitter, all chunky and square-like!! Mounds of it!! I'd kill cupid himself to have that beauty back in my hot little hands! It was a true masterpiece of 7 year old proportions!
    The other was about a year or so later, when it snowed and we got out of class early. I remember waiting with some of my friends at the door of the school for our rides. My mom had made and sent with me tons of pink tinted white chocolate suckers for the class party that day. Since we'd gotten out early, the class V Day party hadn't gotten underway. So my friends and I...there were about four of us...commenced to gorge ourselves on as many as we could before the grown ups showed up and wouldn't let us eat anymore! God, I can still taste them!

    1. I can't even imagine putting away candy like I used to back then...but gee, wouldn't I like to! That's so cute about you and your little co-conspirators eating as many of those (OMG DELICIOUS) white chocolate suckers. I'm making a V-day box last year, I've decided it's the thing I am most nostalgic about from those years!

  3. I loved reading your little kid memories - and those of the other ladies too! Wow...why don't I have any little kid Valentine's Day memories? Maybe I AM a robot! I also love these old timey Valentines. So much better than the crap of today, if you ask me. I can't think of any better way to spend the day than to have Indian food. You two have a great Valentine's Day. I do admit to getting a little misty eyed when you talked about Matthew as the father of your high haired babies. : )

    1. Me too! I'm so glad I'm not the only weirdo who remembers every little bizarre moment of elementary school, I actually think it would be healthier if I didn't (see: knowledge of the Macarena). The first valentine I posted is probably my favorite-- how vivid are those colors? And, oh, the high haired little progeny we're going to beget upon this earth. Look out, world! Hope you and the Mister and your new little foster pup had fun, too!

  4. So many things I want to tell you: 1) I, too, had a shoebox valentine "mailbox;" 2) I was in elementary school in the 90s, as well--started to Kindergarten in 1991; 3) I had an Ariel Barbie with a removable tail/sheath thingy; 4) Watching The Thin Man (and its sequels) is a top-notch recommendation; 5) damn you for getting The Macarena stuck in my head and 6) I love your advice on Edith Wharton.

    1. Hahaha, I think we were born under the same eighties' star, Miss Lauren!

  5. I do enjoy heart-shaped candy and Thin Man movies. Valentine's day is the best this year, because my daughter is 5. And when you are 5, Valentine's day is the most awesome day, ever. We made Valentine's cards for every kid in her preschool class and she loved it...and today was her class party and she dressed up in pink and red and just had a ball. It is so fun to watch. Happy Valentine's Day to you!

    1. That is so sweet! God, I remember how hype I got about holidays in elementary school...I mean, I still do, but not in that coming-apart-at-the-atoms, can't-wait-to-see-what-kind-of-cookies-everyone-else-brings-in way. Bid time return! I love that she dressed up in pink and red for the big class party, I bet she was a doll! Happy V DAY!

  6. i looooooved making my valentine box every year. and i think i had those jurassic park valentines! i was so excited to see it, then TERRIFIED through the whole thing when i finally saw it! i can remember hiding my head behind my dads shoulder during the whole movie. also, my cousin and i were obsessed with the macarena and especially loved doing it really fast along to the tiki room song on some disney tape we had? that song is now one of my karaoke favorites.
    i had to close at work (2 to 10 pm) so travis got woodlands takeout and came and hand dinner with me on my break. pretty sweet. for our "real" date we're going to pootie tang at midnight at the belcourt! haha.
