Friday, November 2, 2012

Photo Friday: Montgomery Clift Edition

Sorry I'm late, folks! Estate sales having taken longer than I thought they would, I only have a minute before I dash off to make lunch, but I wanted to show you guys what I grabbed on at a sale in East Nashville. Caution, ladies...this one's a scorcher:

I was going through a box of pictures in the upstairs bedroom of a little house in Lockeland Springs when I noticed about a quarter of the photographs inside were from WWII-- I quickly sorted through and grabbed any that caught my eye. At 25 cents apiece, you really can't make a bad choice. When I got home and started scanning, I realized four of them were of the same, drop-dead gorgeous enlisted man. DOES HE NOT LOOK EXACTLY LIKE MONTGOMERY CLIFT? If Montgomery Clift and Don Draper had a third brother, here we go, folks. Sadly enough, none of his pictures were labelled, but who needs background info when you have a face like THIS:

 Look at his cool leather jacket and knit vest over shirt and tie! I've asked you before, but I'll ask you again--why don't men dress like this anymore? Even the ones that do tend to pull it off in this ironic, not-really-getting-the-point, looks like it came from a bargain bin way...this guy looks like he's about to seduce his leading lady before making a really cool movie about early aviation for Warner Brothers' in the thirties'. I swoon, and swoon; revive myself and then swoon again.

Oh, but he probably doesn't even look that spectacular in full dress uniform, I mean, that would be ridiculous, right?


I think I'm still a little dizzy from the first two, and here's the man himself. Relatively tall (maybe 5'10''?) for the time and just as handsome and imposing as in his close ups. Look at that jaw and those cheekbones! I love the barracks in the background and the long shadow he's casting against the background.

This was the first one I found and the most Monty Clift of the bunch. Ugh. Just like a picture. Freakishly handsome. I wonder what his children and grandchildren looked like! Or how pretty the girl he married must have been. It's always such a wistful feeling I get as a vintage photograph collection to know that what I have is what there is, or all that there is, or all that I'm going to get to see, at any rate. Still. I'm so hanging these in a place of prominence in my house.

What'd you think of my WWII boyfriend? Do you have any heartbreakin' soldier pictures in your collection? What do you look for when you first start rifling through boxes of other-people's-pictures?

Have a great weekend, and I'll see you right back here on Monday! Good luck at the sales!


  1. Holy Hannah that is a handsome man! Wow!

  2. I'm calling 1942 to see if they still have any of these hunks in stock. ((dreamy sigh))

  3. Have you seen the blog "My Daguerreotype Boyfriend"? Oh, man. If dribbling over hunks from another time and place is your thing......
    I rescued a beautiful man from a NASTY thrift store in downtown KC when I was about 18. There he was, propped up against the wall, amonst the pseudo-Tupperwware and smelly clothes. He's a darling wearing a high collar, a rose and a Masonic pin in his lapel. He has full, sensual lips and a little curl. He has hung over my bed for over 30 years. Guests (ahem) always ask, "Who is THAT?" I don't care to explain and we have been very happy toether, Lo, these many years.

    1. I LOVE My Daguerrotype Boyfriend...there are way too many tumblr sites out there to keep me from actually working at work, right? Also, I love the touch of the masonic pin and rose on your anonymous photo-beau!

  4. i actually went through those pictures too! i got some CUTE ones of a pretty girl holding a rifle, a sweet couple standing on a waterfall, some guys climbing a telephone pole, and a bunch more. i liked his face too! i'm glad you got him.

    1. I went back today to see if I could find anymore; no other pictures of him! I think he must have been someone in the house's brother or other relative. Your finds sound GREAT!

  5. Reminds me of Nelson Eddy in "Rose Marie" singing Indian Love Call... very dreamy indeed! Thanks for your posts, they make my day a little brighter!

    1. Aw, I can see the Nelson Eddy-ness. Thanks for reading, Yvonne!
