Monday, May 21, 2012

Dressbarn Dresses (plus $25 gift card giveaway!)

Picture blatantly stolen from Eartha's blog. Thanks! :)
Hi guys! I had a really fun time Thursday night at the Dressbarn at Opry Mills. You heard that right! 

While it might not have been the first place to come to mind to stage a vintage bloggers meetup, the kind folks at "the Barn" invited me to bring some fellow writin' friends/fiends to sample the goods at the newly revamped retail location at the newly re-opened mall. I chose Eartha Kitsch from Ranch Dressing with Eartha Kitsch, Rae from Say It Ain't So, and Jamie from Owl Really to come and see if the email invitation for a night of VIP blogging was really a Nigerian mail scheme. Turns out, it wasn't!

My one previous memory of Dressbarn was from the pre-flood Opry Mills period, in which my friend Kelsey took me to the store, bragging of its plus size, dark denim wash jeans and cute shoes. She was right on both counts-- the items were solid, but the ambiance left something to be desired. The store at the time was pretty drab-- moms-shopping-atmosphere of too-white-ceiling tiles and grey industrial carpeting. Well! No more! Updated and redesigned, I was surprised at how modern the place looked compared to its former location across from the AppleBarn. Boasting sizes 4-24, Dressbarn stocks a ton of dresses that look like they've been swiped straight from Betty Draper's closet. Would I lie to you? Check it out:

one, two, three, four
We had fun trying on these outfits in the write-your-name-in-dry-erase-marker dressing rooms, complete with ivory divans (see Eartha's photo of Jamie and me above), beveled mirrors, and chandeliers. Oh la la! As I tried on a dress in a teeny size, I was doing a two-step in the mirror to try and decide if it was TOO too small before I realized I was in a retail setting, and could easily ask for another size. People, shopping at Goodwill and for vintage in general has dulled my retail shopping skills! It was confusing to me to see racks of dresses of similar design in different sizing. This would be a great place to pick up a party dress in those "I need something RIGHT THIS MINUTE" situations that seem to crop up before weddings, birthday blow outs, etc, etc. I think with the right styling and some tall hair you could turn one or two of the ones above into a really vintage looking outfit. Some of my best ensembles have been department store dresses (scooped up from Goodwill, natch) fitted with a belt and topped off with a beehive and lipstick for the whole early 60's look after which I pine so. And again, if the fit isn't right, you can size up or size down! The novelty has not yet worn off on me.

Stock photo. I don't know why it didn't occur to me to take any pictures...but trust me, it looks a lot like this, except cuter in real life.
In spite of some heavy crushing on some of the dresses I tried on, I ended up with these cute-itude, set-your-phasers-to-stun sunglasses, and what better to pair them with than a glam rock t-shirt? SWA.GGER.

Hiya, sailor!


Beehive? Check. Sunglasses? Check. Bowie? Check check!

Jealous? You should be, but guess what? Dressbarn has given me a $25 gift card to do with what I see fit. Which is to share the Dressbarn goodness with you kind people! You can grab a pair of these sunglasses or one of these retro-inspired dresses for your very own.

Here's how you can enter to win:

Mandatory Entry:
-Be a follower of this blog either via email or Google Friend Connect (stand up and be counted!). Then:
-Visit and check out all the new-old vintagey dresses. Head back here to leave a comment on which is your must-have. Please leave your email address or blog address so that I can contact you if you win. If there is no way to contact you, your entry will not count.

Bonus Entries: (Leave a separate comment for each entry.)

Like She Was a Bird on Facebook and post the link to this giveaway on your page. Please tag She Was a Bird in your link.
2.) Tweet about the giveaway! Please copy and paste this tweet: "Enter to win a $25 gift card from @dressbarn on @_shewasabird blog!"
3.) Follow @_shewasabird on Twitter
4.) Share this giveaway on your blog or tumblr. Please include the link to your post in the comments.

Let the commenting begin! Entries will close on Sunday, May 27, 2012 at 8:00 PM CST, and I'll choose a winner to be announced a week from today.

To hear more about our girl-bloggers' adventure, head over to Eartha's blog. Check out the cool swag they woo'd us with! I'm hoping to get together again soon with these  ladies to do some vintage crafting...will keep you posted on when and if this super event takes place!

See ya tomorrow!


  1. I'll be good and not enter as I'm guessing it would be against the rules?

    Thanks again for the invite! You styled those glasses perfectly! I love dress #2 above.

  2. The Geometric Flower Halter Maxi Dress on the Dress Barn website is a personal favorite of mine. I'm both surprised and happy to see the updated look of the store. Thank you for sharing! :)

    Also, looking good! You rock those sunglasses!

  3. i follow on gfc- like the Ombre Bead Neck Blouse

  4.!/vivaciousgold/status/204691305589252096- tweeted

  5. blogger reblogged-

  6. i like on facebook as livivua chandler

  7. those glasses are even cuter than i remember! thanks for inviting me, i really had a good time! now i have to be brave and wear my tiki dress to the omni hut. and this craft get together BETTER happen. I'll bring my grandma's famous cheese ball.

  8. i love this

    Thanks for a super giveaway!
    My email: anashct1 [at] yahoo [dot] com

  9. Tweeted:!/anashct3/status/204961166806614016
    Thanks for the chance to win!
    email: anashct1 [at] yahoo [dot] com

  10. I follow you on twitter @anashct3
    Thanks for this lovely giveaway!

    Email: anashct1 [at] yahoo [dot] com

  11. I blogged:
    Thanks for this snazzy giveaway!
    email: anashct1 [at] yahoo [dot] com

  12. I follow your blog via GFC!

  13. i tweeted about your giveaway!

  14. I liked the Embroidered Cotton Party Dress

  15. I Follow @_shewasabird on twitter


  16. I like the Piped Seer Sucker Dress. I also follow via GFC
    family74014 at gmail dot com

  17. I follow you via twitter
    family74014 at gmail dot com

  18. Am absolutely in love with the Pleated Watercolor Floral Dress, the rose and white pattern shown... checked it out onsite and there are 3 reviews of which 2 are great, and the 3rd said after exchanging it, it was fine. Definitely on my wish list. I stopped going to dress barn several years ago as I felt their quality wasn't worth the price. Your review has definitely changed that and will stop in in the future, or order online. That watercolor vintage look dress is so adorable...
    Please enter me in the draw! Thank you!
    I follow you on both GFC and email !

    Cathy B pbprojecthope at yahoo dot com

  19. My favorite would have to be the Embroidered Cotton Party Dress! So perfect for summer! :) Thanks for the chance -- I also follow you via gfc as Dee.

    deeg131 at gmail dot com

  20. tweeted

    deeg131 at gmail dot com

  21. I follow you on twitter @Deegee13.

    deeg131 at gmail dot com

  22. I like you on fb as Dee G.

    deeg131 at gmail dot com :)

  23. Pleated Poppy dress is very cute
