Monday, April 21, 2014

Happy (Belated) Easter! (What I Wore)

Good morning!

Long time no see! I am back from my blogging hiatus, and hope you guys didn't mind the weeklong radio silence too much-- I'll say I missed gabbing at you through this medium a lot more than I thought I would! What's been going on, let's see...found a couple great outfits at a whale of an estate sale Friday, went to a wedding Saturday, and had Easter Brunch with my mom and dad on Sunday-- definitely lots of activity since we spoke last! Of course, first things first-- what I wore on Easter!

Take a look:

What's an Easter Sunday without a fittingly over-the-top bonnet? After some contemplation of the "hat wall" in my den (I'll have to tell you about that later this week), I settled on this floral number which features silk flowers in different shades of blue. I bought this hat at an estate sale in Erin, Tennessee, a tiny little town west of Clarksville. My dad and I must have REALLY wanted to go to an estate sale that weekend, or maybe the preview pictures were really good-- I just remember that when we got there, after a long drive from Nashville, there was hardly anything worth snapping up that hadn't already been snapped up. In the otherwise empty front room of this 1800's farm house, there were a pair of perfect atomic age googie type lamps with their original whipstitch fiberglass shades, plugged into the wall, glowing like a mirage...guess how much? $425 for the pair....FOUR HUNDRED and twenty five DOLLARS for the pair. I thought my eyes were playing tricks on me, but no, that was the actual asking price. Luckily, there was a trunk in one room completely filled with off the wall hats for $3 apiece, and this one came home with me!

I put it together with this gauzy fifties' dress- isn't it strange! I love the scalloped neckline and the powder blue of the dress, and how it is completely see through. What? Why? Have you seen other dresses like this with a similar must-be-worn-with-something-else lack of opacity? It looked much less wrinkly not in broad, unforgiving sun, and I just carried my same Enid Collins bag ("Drifting", a butterfly pattern from I think the early 70's) from the wedding outfit Saturday night.

Because I like to match our outfits so we look even more like a tiny little pair, I put Matthew in this yellow gingham check sports shirt from Kmart's men's department, circa 1965. Isn't it a perfect Beach Boy, Ken Doll looking shirt? It still had the tags from the sixties' on it when I found it at the Rivergate Goodwill.

At my mom's house, we ate lunch and played a ton of Heads Up with my parents, who are surprisingly good at the "Hey Mr. DJ" category. I can hear my mom saying, "What d'you mean SURPRISINGLY?", but I have never laughed so hard as when I realized both my folks and my husband were all insistently humming "Hit Me With Your Best Shot" in unison. Have you played the game? It's essentially charades on an iphone, where you hold the cell to your head and have people give you clues as people, places, and things flash across the screen in different categories. The best part, though, is that it records the people doing the clue-giving. My dad, trying to get Matthew to guess "Chicago": Dad: "It's a musical, it's in a big city, it's near the Great Lakes-" Matthew: "Oh, ohohohohohohoh, I know this one, OKLAHOMA!" just as the buzzer went off. The video, which is now saved on my phone for posterity, captures that moment as I almost fell out of my chair laughing, my true heart's laugh ringing out. It's hard to be in the hot seat as the "guesser" on this game! I just love seeing the video after the fact.

Here we are in the backyard of my parents house...look how if you put the picture in Black and white, it could be Easter 1960!

Last but not least, my mom told me to put my iPhone over this nest in the hedge just to our right in the photo above, and see if I couldn't get a better picture of the robin's eggs in it than she had on her Kodak. When we looked at the picture, wow! Two of the little birds had JUST HATCHED, and a third was making a break for it! We were careful not to disturb the little guys on their first day out of embryo, but how neat to see the tiny things. It was an Easter miracle!

How about you? Did you do anything special or family related this last weekend? What's the most over the top season-appropriate attire you've donned? Had any close encounters with Ranger Rick like nature in all its glory? What have you been up to this last week? Let's talk!

That's all for today, but I will see you back here tomorrow for a regularly scheduled week of vintage goodness! Have a great Monday, enjoy some of this sunshine! Til then.


  1. What a scandalously sheer dress for the repressive 50s! Crazytown. I really love it is such a pretty shade. Also, I've only played heads up a couple times. So fun yet so oddly stressful!!!

    1. Does it not even make sense, that dress? I've had others like it too, and I'm sure there was some special, non-scandalous slip you could wear with it, but itself, it's like a window pane. HEADS UP IS SO STRESSFUL WHEN YOU'RE THE GUESSER! At one point, my mom, my dad, and Matthew were all da-da-dumming "You're the One that I Want" and I just had this deer-in-the-headlights blank look on my face. When you watch the video after, it's so obvious!! But it sure is hot in the hot seat, haha!

  2. You look fab!!! I love the whole outfit, but especially the hat.

    1. Thank you! I've been waiting like a year for the right occasion to break it out for! I also now want to wear it with everything.

  3. Great outfit!! That hat is fabulous, and your dress is beautifully unique. I don't think I've seen sheer scallops like that before.

    1. Thank you! I have one of the same material but it's boat-necked and has a kind of lace/beaded inlay on the collarbone. It's ALSO sheer as cellophane, but works well with the black full-under-dress on. No label, wish I knew more about what you would even call that kind of dress so I could look for it on the internet!

  4. GREAT choice of Easter outfit. Fantastic, unusual dress and I'm absolutely loving the hat - I have one vaguely similar - same kind of colours and with a little veil. I would love to see the dress with another bright, beautiful colour underneath - maybe yellow? Or pink, so it ends up with a purply effect... Anyway, love it, and love the subtle matchy-matchy of your outfits.

    1. I'd love to see your hat! I'm glad I'm not the only one out there drawn like a moth to crazy-flower-hats. And that's a great idea about the contrast color, Miss Marie! I am so into the "this matches this, and this matches this" school of matchiness, it's like in my bones at this point, haha. I might have to break my own rules to try a pink slip, though; gosh, that sounds pretty.
