Monday, February 10, 2014

Weekend Finds: Various and Sundry

Good morning!

How was your weekend? Did you find anything good out at the sales? I didn't find a LOT of stuff, but I was pretty pleased with the things I did manage to acquire! I'll tell you, I have been a F-O-G of sleepiness this morning at work, but hopefully this tankard of coffee and the thrill of describing all the neat doo-dads I picked up out in the world will bring me back to the land of the living (or at least the awake). Let's talk brass tacks!

One of my best finds (which you've already seen if you follow me on Instagram) was actually something I found a dog's age ago at the flea market. I think it counts as a weekend find, though, as I've just now gotten around to having it pressed and drycleaned from the previously-stuffed-in-a- Pringles'-can like condition it was in when I dug it out of a box under the Antiques shed. Behold! Not too shabby, if I do say so myself!

This is a pink, quilted 1940's bed jacket. It features an oh-so-forties' Mandarin collar, belled sleeves, a black satin lining, and reminds me of something Veronica Lake would flounce out of bed in, hair hanging in a curtain over her eyes. It was in rotten shape when I found it at the flea market but I was trying to make a pile of items so the seller would give me a better deal on everything (why get one blouse for $10 when you could get a blouse, a sweater, a rayon gown, two skirts and a hat for $15? I ask you, why!), so I thought I'd take a chance on it. I love how the embroidery detail loops around the covered buttons, the little rhinestones, and the odd pocket on the wearer's right. I recently went through a major purge of my sleepwear collection-- turns out, I have a problem resisting flouncy, sherbet colored wraps and slips and nightgowns in spite of a marked predilection towards vintage pajamas in actual usage...however! I have a gown or two that would go great with this in those lazy, mid-Sunday morning hanging around in bed reading magazines and drinking coffee, so don't think I won't be trying it out the next day I get to sleep in (which may be never, but MAY be this weekend??)!

This next guy I'm putting up here just because I'm still smarting from the lack of foresight that kept me from buying him this weekend:

The more I look at this picture, the more I love it. "Crane Among the Roses" (as I have creatively named it) was at an antique store and priced at $40, which  is about $35 more than I was willing to pay for it...eugh! And yet still my heart cries out! Look at the weird expression of the bird, his fantastic mohawk, and the way the flowers and crane stand out so dramatically from the black background! I might go back, but if I do, we'll have to agree to a vow of secrecy on how much I spent on it. 

Friday morning, Eartha Kitsch met me over at my house and we took a trip up to Rivergate and Gallatin hot on the heels of vintage goods. I sure did mean to take photos of us traipsing around other-people's-houses looking through their stuff for old-time treasures, but between the thrill of the hunt and the terror of a check engine light coming on ninety percent of the way to Gallatin, the truth of it was, I plumb forgot. Things I bought:

Yes, this is a snow shovel. You can go ahead and thank me, citizens of Nashville, for buying this snow shovel, to guarantee that our fair city never accumulates enough snow for me to use it. Murphy's law, bro! It's a Sears Craftsman snow shovel from I'd say the fifties', and how could I resist the four dollar price tag and the institutional-aqua color? Worst case scenario, this looks cool hanging in my utility room until such a day as it is needed, and folks, I can live with that. This was in a garage in Gallatin where Eartha almost bought a pair of plastic chickens, but found them cracked upon further inspection. Le sigh!

I did a close up of this so you could see the detail in this 1880's illustrated photograph, but that really doesn't give you a sense of the's about two feet high by a foot across! You know how I am about old photographs, and I am always buying portraits where it feels like the eyes could follow you around the room...I am never stopping. I felt bad because there was a woman portrait from the same era that was likely this guy's wife, but as her face/clothing/demeanor wasn't nearly as interesting as his, and I didn't want to spend an additional $8 to buy it "just because", I left it at the sale. I wonder if this means I am probably going to be haunted...I hope it does not.

Same sale, this photo of a graduating classes of seamen in the US Navy, labeled San Diego, 1946. I am a sucker for any formal group photo, and this fits the about all those white hats lined up?

Here's a closeup of the graduates, ears sticking out from buzz cut hair...what is not to like here: 

These baubles were impulse buys at either sale:

The red earring-and-bracelet set is marked "REJA" on the bracelet's clasp, and as that company only operated for a little more than a decade (1941-1953), I would say these are probably from the mid 1940's. Aaaand I love them. The bracelet is missing one stone but it hardly shows when you're wearing it. Was there a necklace to go with this originally? Probably. Am I sad about that? I am, but I'll survive. The top piece is a fifties' sweater clip, but not just any sweater clip-- a souvenir sweater clip from the steamboat The Memphis Queen. I can't lie, I'm kind of over the moon about finding a sweater clip period, much less one that ties into kooky tourism-- do you know this is the first clip I've seen at an estate sale? For three bucks, I had to scoop it up.

Last but not least, I got to sit down and read some of my Tony Duquette book this weekend, and grabbed Class Act: William Haines from the Fine Arts collection here at Main (at seventy bucks even used, it wasn't as reasonably priced as my TD book, but oh well, we have it here at the library for me to look at!). It's interesting to see California modern/elegant/stately designs from former actor Haines (that's Joan on the cover, btw-- they were costars in a few silent movies and good friends in real life) and California over-the-top-opulent-jewel-box type designs from Duquette in the same sitting. That said, I now want to redecorate the entire house.

Well, what do you think! How do you like the stuff I picked up? Did you find anything good this weekend? Spooky photos or art deco baubles? Where do you look for antiques/vintage stuff when the estate sales and flea markets are sparse due to cold weather? Had any interior design inspiration by way of books lately? Let's talk!

That's all for today...I'm STILL sleepy, but maybe I'll perk up after lunch, you never know! Have a great Monday, and I'll see you tomorrow. Til then!


  1. you and your gorgeous and creepy finds......... :-)
    love the bed jacket, very pretty color! would wear it as outerwear.
    did find a late 70´s burberry trench coat for 14€ - very light cotton in vanilla. hhhmm.

    1. SEVENTIES' BURBERRY. TRENCH COAT. You're killin' me! That sounds awesome!!

  2. I would wear that bed jacket constantly.

    1. Isn't it chic? And I love the black and pink together!!

  3. Wow great finds! Love your jacket!

    1. I've gotten so much encouragement from you guys, thank you! It's so much prettier now that it's pressed and cleaned, before it was a rumpled mess! :p

  4. Wow, I am so jealous of that bed jacket! That looks so glamorous, like something Joan Crawford would wear when accepting her Mildred Pierce Oscar at home in bed. Speaking of Joan, right now I am reading "Joan Crawford A Personal Biography" by Charlotte Chandler, and there is a lot about William Haines in the book. Like speak of the devil....

    1. Thank you, it's a humdinger! I'm still lounging in style, waiting for my Oscar nod. PS: Oooh, Charlotte Chandler wrote one about Bette Davis, too! Have you read the one Donald Spoto wrote, "Possessed: The Life of Joan Crawford"? It may be my favorite! #fellowmovienerd :)

  5. love the bed jacket. I would have never known what that sweater clip was. Now that I know, I want one even though I don't wear sweaters. I found a pretty sweet coat this afternoon but I listed it on Ebay. If it doesnt sell, I'll keep it even though I have no where to wear it too

    1. I am so bad about keeping/buying things because they're just too precious not to buy, I don't blame you. I didn't know about sweater clips either until I saw a vintage one on some fellow retro-minded gal's site and wanted one BUT BAD. This is the first one I've found, like I said, since that long ago day! I think they are DIYs around about how to make one yourself if the hankering is just too strong.

  6. That's a green heron..I ran a trail around a local lake for years. I'd see them and their cousin the Great Blue Heron. The Blue has a fancy topknot,gorgeous long blue streamers that stick up. Both of these birds are super shy. If you make too prolonged eye contact, POOF, off they fly. It was a point of pride with me that I could run by and they would stand their ground. One day the Blue was preening and he pulled his topknot out and dropped it at my feet. I was so happy and triumphant! I ran home with that rare prize, which is still in my cabinet of treasures.
    The herons are really graceful, and appear so peaceful and still. Just don't be a little perch idling by. The herons strike like lightening and the little fishies desperately wiggle all the way down that long neck.

    1. I hesitated when I wrote crane, I knew somebody would know what it really was! I can't believe the heron just have you its top knot. "Here, I was thinking of growing another one anyway." He must have sensed you'd be just the gal to appreciate it for how neat it was!!

  7. That bracelet is beautiful (I can't even see where the stone is missing) and I love the sweater clip is amazing! Great finds!

    1. Thanks, Melissa! The earrings on the earring-and-bracelet set pinch so bad! I love them anyway though!! Yet to wear the clip yet but when I do, watch out, library. :)

  8. Fab bed jacket!

    That is so strange that you say that about sweater clips! I seem them all the time here! But I have NEVER seen a souvenir one! That is SUPER nifty!!


    1. Thank you, Janey! I'm conspiring on an outfit to wear that bed jacket out with-- if people can wear pajama bottoms to the grocery store, surely this jacket is dressy enough to be worn out over a black dress!

      The clip is so neat! I've seen them a lot in the movies and on other retro bloggers, so I'm glad one finally found its way into my hot little hands. Isn't it weird how some stuff you see all the time in one place and some hardly at all?

  9. I LOVE sweater clips! I have three from my grandmother and they are fantastic!

    Also, nothing says "love" like Billy and Cranberry. They were just such partners in crime. :)

    1. That is so neat about your inherited clips! I can't wait to try mine out on the town.

      Have you seen the movie "West Point"? It came on Warner Instant Archives for a flash late last year and I got to see the devilish duo act in a movie together...while I'd read lots about Billy Haines and their friendship while reading JC bios, it was so neat to see him in one of his "star" turns. He's in "Show People" with Marion Davies, too (which was also on Warner Archives for a minute...I wish they wouldn't trade out their catalog so quickly!).

    2. He specialized in the cheeky young playboy who learns his lesson at the end. :) WEST POINT is great, and SHOW PEOPLE is phenomenal for Marion Davies alone, but my favorite Billy movie is TELL IT TO THE MARINES, with Lon Chaney. Trust me, you'll love it!

    3. Oooh! That is up on Warner Archives, TOO! Definitely now on my to-watch list, thanks for the heads up! :)

  10. So much beauty. Especially love that bed quilt!

  11. sweater clip! i found a floral one at one of the first sales i ever went to, but haven't see one since! and i LOVE that graduating class photo! perfect!
    give me a holler next time you guys go out! travis works every weekday morning and i'm usually off thursday or friday and it is kind of lonely going out alone!

    1. You are so welcome to come with me/us next time! I had a ball last time the three of us got together, I should have called you Friday! :p I hate going by myself, too!
