Thursday, July 11, 2013

Warner Bros. Breakdowns and Blow Ups (1936-1947)

Good morning!

I'm trying to take a breather from the internet today, but while I'm resting these weary little ocular synapses, why don't you train yours to the annual Warner Bros. Breakdowns and Blow Ups. I first mentioned these a million years ago in the infancy of this blog , but I recently came across this playlist on Youtube, offering a way larger selection of gaffes and goofs from 10 years of the golden age of Hollywood. It's HIGHLY entertaining to see your favorite old time movie stars, from Cary Grant to James Cagney, lose their verbal footing in the middle of sets to movies you might recognize. I personally loved seeing Bette Davis as her Oscar winning Julie Marsden in Jezebel and Lauren Bacall in The Big Sleep. Please note that there's a LOT of swearing and the Lord's name taken in vain, but it the shock quality of four letter words dropping from the lips of screen icons that's half the fun!

There's a great blog on the history of the WB Breakdowns and the insiders' yearly dinner dance at which they were shown here.

Tell me who you recognize, and what terrible things they said, if you do get up the gumption to wade through these videos, I'd love to hear from you!


I'll be back tomorrow for Photo Friday! Til then.

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