Tuesday, January 1, 2013


Good morning!

 Just a quick post-- in a last fit of seasonal cheer, I chose the first 10 antique postcards having to do with the ringing in of the New Year and thought I would share their bizarre, bizarre takes on the end of the calendar with you. We have:

 1) French cats in a 1914 bi-plane (in France, it is both legal for cats to pilot aircraft as well as for them to be drinking champagne while doing so):

2) American cats sharing a bundt cake and tea cups of Madeira while whispering secrets to one another (this one really isn't even that weird, I just thought it was pretty):
3) Soviet youth with perfect hairstyles dancing under a Soviet moon to ring in the New Year (in Soviet Russia, moon dances under you!)
4) French snowman angrily defending his right to not be disassembled just because it's January (get out of here, gnomes! Des naines sont méchantes! Laisse-lui en paix! Can you see the one gnome like "WHO CARES! PARTY!" on the right instead of coming to the aid of his friends?)
5) Pig that does not even care he is riddled with carving implements WHILE STILL ALIVE (WHAT DOES THIS HAVE TO DO WITH NEW YEARS?! Also, notice that the tiny, heartless chef is carrying parsley sprigs to festoon his poor pig friend with probably when they get to the table. HAS HE NO HEART?!)
Add caption
6) Moonhead and Angel Baby set the clock to midnight (What is with Moonhead's weirdly flabby body?)
7) This gnome's New Year's Resolution is to finally cut down all those mushrooms that were driving him nuts in 2012 (though an axe does kind of seem like overkill):
8) Anthropomorphic bottles drink themselves (you don't know what you're doing, guys! Stop before it's too late!)
9) Soviet Santa makes his metal-est exit ever (I want a bear-driven sled team EXACTLY LIKE THIS. The blue turkey on the left can't believe his eyes!)
10) Even the moon looks like he had too much to drink last night (Have pity on a celestial body, won't you? Has anyone got a hot cup of coffee and some aspirin for this guy?)
Come on...which one did you think was the craziest? They're ALL crazy, but which one leaves you scratching your head even now?

Here's to all of our New Year's Resolutions coming true in 2013! See you tomorrow!


  1. Oh my goodness, how you've got me chuckling! They're all great but your captions make them so much better. I'm particularly fond of the gnomes, but the smoking moon... what the heck?! And what's wrong with his eye!?

    Thanks for the laugh and happy New Year!

    1. Haha, anytime! I couldn't believe searching "vintage new year's postcards" would turn up THAT many weirdo strange-o ones almost instantaneously!

  2. These are awesome! I think my favorite would have to be the snowman or the bottles. That pig one is just sadistic. We were somewhere in Nashville the other day and I saw a very similar pig on the side of a building - knives and all. SAD.

    Happy New Year hon!

    1. Poor pigs! Come on, people!

      Happy New Year! 2013 is going to be GREAT.

  3. Wow amazing cards! They are so funny.

    Yesterday I came across this one:


    I think it fits your list!

    Happy New Year!

    Happy new year!

    1. That is AWESOME! And you're right, it's a good fit with these other weird cards. Happy New Year! :)

  4. Moonhead and Angel Baby would make a kickass crime duo.

    1. Right? Matthew pointed out his crazy battle axe as I was showing him this post, which honestly hadn't 100% occurred to me as part of "what is weird about this picture".

  5. i think my favorite is that grumpy gnome chopping down the mushroom. he does not look like he is having a happy new year at all.

  6. I so love your blog.... My daughter and I saw "Rise of the Guardians" last month, and the Santa in it looks JUST like the Russian Santa in the card!

    1. Thanks for reading, Yvonne! Also, that Santa is SCARY.
