Friday, September 21, 2012

Photo Friday: Doris and the Deer Edition

Well, folks, here I am! Just got in from two sales out in West Meade with Eartha and Rae, and boy were they doozies! We'll have to talk some more about the finds (yours, mine, and ours) on Monday because I am tiiiiired and need both lunch and a medicinal dose of Hulu to  round out my afternoon. However, what would a Friday be without a (albeit brief) word from Doris and Ray?

I found these in with some vacation photos, each neatly labeled in Doris's handwriting "Stephen Foster Park, GA March 72":

Isn't that cute? I wish a deer would let ME feed him something he probably doesn't natively eat, but is willing to ingest out of curiosity. I think in the middle one she may be holding the food in her teeth, an entirely bad idea, but please be aware of the deer's expression in said photo:

"Say WHAT?!"
Too cute. Actually can't get over it.

Anyway, I'm off to lunch! Have a great weekend, and I'll see you guys on Monday!


  1. I LOVE these photos! I actually have close-up deer photos from a national park too, but alas no Doris!

    1. I want to replicate Doris's hair and outfit and find a hungry deer of my own for a vacation memory! Still, two out of three is not bad!

  2. These are epic - EPIC! That second photo makes me want to blow it up mural sized and put it on my wall.

    1. Right? I didn't even notice his expression until I scanned it and the image was enlarged.

  3. hahah, i love those! and yes, i think that second one would be a perfect mural! i have a cute picture of two girls feeding a chipmunk, but it isn't as good as this series!

    1. I am usually too afraid of animals doing something Youtube worthy to me when I see them in the wild to approach them with any kind of comfort level...your chipmunk feeding girls and Doris are a brave breed!

  4. Oh my gosh! I'm dying. Doris had quite the sense of humor.

  5. Haha she is way braver than me! I am kinda terrified of wildlife.

  6. I just found your blog, and I laughed myself silly at this post. OMG-the deer's expression-I thought I was going to pass out from laughing.
