Friday, April 20, 2012

Photo Friday: Sunday Best Edition

Good morning! As soon as I said the other day, "Nah, I don't really collect that many pictures of kids; a kid's a kid's a kid, you know?", I started to become aware of the many, many photos of children that are actually already in my collection! Do you ever do that, where you go, "Don't really have much interest in ceramic 50's planters..." and then realize you have like five already just by happenstance?

At any rate, here are three pictures of children who were SO CUTE, and SO PERIOD, that I managed to get over myself and purchase them at whatever dusty antique mall shoe-box they came from.

Most of the time (there I go generalizing again), I like look very closely at the backgrounds of old photographs, and this one is neat for the ornate trappings of a 1930's photography studio. The velvet bench gives us a point of comparison to see how tiny the little girl is, and the patterned carpet lends depth of field to the composition. I'm a big fan of this little girl's mini-length-baby dress (why were children's dresses so SHORT then and up until what seems like the 70's?) and her ducky little curl creating a "faux-hawk" effect in the middle of her head. You could see why this one was a keeper. Even though it's a picture of child.

I love this one for the little boy's expression and clothes. You can tell he slouched on into the photo's frame with a "Maaaaa, do I have to?" right before the picture was taken. This one reminds me of the beginning of some Scorsese fifties'-set mob movie, where it shows the young mug as a little kid running around in Brooklyn. How dapper does this guy look in his little fedora and six button jacket and tie, however? I love miniature adult clothes for kids and fully intend to dress my future progeny in shrunken down Humphrey Bogart outfits. Look out, world.

I think it was the palm tree that sold me on these sisters. The older child's rickrack trimmed dress is a dream, and the little expression on the younger's dour face is precious, but where were they on Easter Sunday that they had a full-on palm tree in the background? California? The glamour of the West! Do you see the older girl's t-strap shoes with white socks? I'm so doing that sometime next week.

Which kid (in spite of your, like me, obvious and total bias towards children's photography *cough* exceptnotreallyatall) do you favor? Do you have any funny photographs of little ones in your collection? Let a girl know!

With another rare Friday off, I have to dash to the estate sales, but I'll see you guys on the other side of the weekend! Hope yours is a keeper. :)


  1. so cute! i love the second photo of the boy. i burst out laughing when i saw that!

  2. That last one is my favorite for sure. Good luck at the sales! The Mister went to one this morning and deemed it "too crowded to go in" and called me to tell me he was going to work instead. I was all, "Whaaaa? But you're THERE!" :)

  3. i love that first one! the little girls curls are so cute!
