Monday, July 2, 2012

Weekend Finds

Good morning! I found a modest number of very exciting things this weekend and I thought I would take a Monday morning moment to show you the goods from this weekend! Here's a group shot of some of the highlights:


Teenybopper style shrieking

It was H-O-T all weekend, but that didn't stop me from heading up to that sale in Springfield that I was telling you about on Friday... I argued with myself for about twenty minutes over a blonde wood set of fifties', Heywood Wakefield lookin' side tables before leaving them behind (not the right size or shape for my living room set up but whoooo wee what neat pieces!). I DID take these two picture frames home as dim consolation. Above, a not-really-signed-by-Elvis publicity photo of Elvis is housed in this, guess what, ELVIS PICTURE FRAME. I don't know if it's really from 1956, but the stamp on the back reads "COPYRIGHT 1956 ELVIS PRESLEY ENTERPRISES, ALL RIGHTS RESERVED". Reminds me of the some of the impossibly cute teenybopper items (autograph hounds, Beatles charm bracelets, etc) you see in the back of Teen Beat type publications to order by mail.

This wooden, hinged frame features one of my favorite onscreen couples, Clark Gable and Jean Harlow. Have you seen Red Dust? MGM remade it in the 50's as Mogambo (featuring Clark Gable in his same starring role, almost twenty years later!), but I like the thirties' version better, possibly just because of how crackerjack cute Jean Harlow is in it. I think people forget, from seeing all those sexy, bias-cut silk dress photos of her, how adorable/sweet/cute she was in addition to being a red hot mama.


I let out a tiny squeal when I found this "J.R. For President" button. I haven't seen the reboot yet, but Matthew and I were NUTS about Dallas for a hot minute about two years ago when we picked up some of the series for dirt cheap at a used games and dvds store. Look at Larry Hagman's pumpkin head. You love to hate him on that show!

I found this gondola shaped planter at Goodwill. How great will this be next time I do one of those "Evening in Roma" style spaghetti dinners?

Ciao, bella!

I know....I KNOW...I needed a two foot tall, lithographed metal refrigerator and stove like I need another hole in my head...this did not stop me from buying it. A guy was looking at it at a yard sale I went to over in Inglewood and I remember kind of swooping towards the set with a quickness that surprised me as much as him. "Aren't those somethin?" he says. "Did you see the inside yet?" He opens the little plastic handle (which clicks shut to lock the door in place, by the way) to reveal the rotating center shelf, as well as a fully stocked illustrated door, complete with eggs and celery and cokes-in-bottles. I mean, look at it!

Open sesame!
"Orange soda drink" may be my favorite label.

This actually looks a lot like my current freezer, down to the grapefruit juice concentrate!

Look what's for dinner! Hot dogs and hamburgers, oh boy!
The stove is just about as fun, with buttons you can depress where the stove switches are, and an opening-and-closing-stove door. I know it was wrong from a not-being-a-hoarder-point-of-view, but I wanted 'em! So I got 'em. Check out this sixties' sink and cupboard from the same company that I need to round out the set! (just kidding just kidding...only partially kidding that I am just kidding...)

Annie was in my top three favorite children's movies when I was little, so I freaked out once more when I saw this Annie tv-tray (complete with the metal legs, not shown) at Goodwill for $2. I love that the characters are labelled with their names. You don't have to tell me who Sandy is! I know!

Last but not least, this Jonathan Frid/Lara Parker cover of a soap opera digest from 1968. You remember how crazy I am about Dark Shadows, right? I couldn't say no.

I love how this twelve year old filled the form out, but then neglected to send it in. Phyllis! You could've gone on a chauffered dream date with Barnabas!

TWENTY dresses for $3.50? I want in on this bargain!

Like I said, I've been trying to be better about not picking up every little thing I see, but how could I resist some of these finds?! They just gravitate towards me and I to them. Le sigh.

Did you find anything good this weekend? Is it sunstroke city where you live (Nashville's been in the 100's all weekend! I've got cabin fever like you wouldn't believe from only leaving at night!)? Which of these finds do you think was the MOST necessary of my unnecessary purchases? Tell!

See you tomorrow!


  1. Pfft, no contest. Soap opera digest with the Win a Date with Barnabas!

  2. I don't think I could have passed up the fridge and oven set either. I'd display them in my kitchen and knowing myself, I'd use them to store candy!!!

  3. that elvis frame!! oh my goodness, im in LOVE with it! travis brought me home a few things from that sale, including a crazy scrapbook with peieces of gum and cigarettes from the 40's taped inside! ah!
    i wouldn't have been able to pass up that fridge and stove either. it would have gone in my "well, just in case i have a kid" box, and then if i had a kid, i probably wouldn't let them pay with it. haha.

  4. ALL necessary! I love those appliances especially! Sounds like a missed a grade-A sale!

  5. oh, ELVIS! what a great score. now that the wedding is behind us i have the honeymoon to look forward to...graceland in two weeks, here i come!!!
