Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Simplicity Fur Collar Patterns (Ebony magazine, 1966)

Good morning! How are you? ((pause)) Oh, good. How am I? Well, I am near dead from attending an 8 off 8th last night (free Monday night show at the Mercy Lounge, which is on Eighth Avenue, featuring eight bands....get it? GET IT?). Matthew's band played, our friends came out, I had a ton of fun-- but at a gruesome toll to my body in terms of hours-of-sleep-needed versus hours-of-sleep-got. All of which brings me to-- I have to go slug some coffee and mindlessly watch Unsolved Mysteries while repairing books or I am NOT going to make it through the day.

Today, rather than my usual long winded ramblings on vintage goods, why don't you tell me what YOU think? Which 1966 Ebony magazine outfit below (ps, spoiler alert, I think ALL of them are killer diller) would you most like to create from Simplicity pattern? Are you a fur-print fan or do you steer clear of the embellishment (I think you know my answer on that one)?

Have a great Tuesday! A couple cups of coffee and a nice night's sleep tonight, and I'm sure I'll be right as rain tomorrow. See you then!


  1. These are really fantastic! I love the muff and the vest thingy. Oh my goodness, we've been on a bowling league for the past couple of months and it totally screws with my sleep on Monday nights. I'm not as young as I used to be!

    Here's wishing you a good night's sleep tonight!

  2. I am a sucker for matchy matchy and I adore that collar with the hat. If I had to choose Id probably make the first outfit or the blue dress.

  3. I don't wear animal prints being an animal rescuer and all but that said this post brought back some terrific memories of my Mom's wardrobe particularly a cream colored cashmere coat with a leopard print collar. I love your blog!

  4. Wow! They all look really awesome! I'm so crazy that I pick things up in thrift stores that will never have any practical application in my life - case in point, the matching leopard hat and collar that I found. Maybe I'll make Mary wear it one of these days. I am particularly taken, however, by the belted tunic in the last photo!

  5. I want that leopard pillbox hat and muff! Soo cute!

  6. i love the muff and hat! and her blue dress!
